Iv seen this article over a hundred times. its funny how people - TopicsExpress


Iv seen this article over a hundred times. its funny how people can get so worked up . I agree with a lot of what he wrote hear but lets be serious, most of that was un-necessary , I highly doubt she believes that she is a goddess, given the tone. is it not possible to build a race up without putting another one down, we tend to over look the negatives and wrongs when it in our favor, when we feel good, all I see is yeah man you right and i coulda went in but I didnt I simply feel that a lot of this was not needed to get ones point across. but again she was also at fault, not for the statement she meade but for the combination of the statement as well as her title disgusted white female which shows that she takes her personal experience and what her husband says to her about black women as absolute truth.. mean for all women. so now whe believes its true,, without having understanding its easy to say the wrong thing but again.. not al white women are easy and not all black women dont act like queens. WE WILL ONLY EVER KNOW WHAT WEVE BEEN EXPOSED TO. I write this for the next person to see, if we gonna share something.. just like Lara Jacobs Rigolo and Hugh Thompson stated, let it be something that inspirers, build character, something that makes us look at ourselves and better ourselves. People we need to watch what read, guard against what we see and hear for that is what we allow ourselves to become.. Im just sayn,, PS I personally enjoy all flavors of our women they as well as we have issue in one way or another, and baggage, weakness, mean spirited or too easy,, but think back real hard how did it get like that...
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 10:11:15 +0000

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