Ive Been Hearing More And More And More On The Internet About - TopicsExpress


Ive Been Hearing More And More And More On The Internet About People Being Against Religion And A Growing Movement Against Religion Like Never Before.... As a teenager I took a long and deep thought process into the full meaning of the absolute removal of God and all religion from a culture of humans. When I did my searching in my own unique Autism way, I literally took away from humanity *all* religion!! Its very interesting how my search led me right back to God when I realized just exactly how much God impacts our entire world! Because I am getting highly annoyed by the stupid ideals of anti-God people claiming to be anti-religious and freedom from religion! So, here, take a moment to read this example of what true freedom from *all* religion really means!! Is this the world you really want?! [-I have not decided as of yet whether or not I will publish this novel, until I decide my decision fully I will withhold all my unique inventions such as dialect and language of my fictional people. I may, in fact, publish this novel just to show the world the truth about what it takes to remove *all* religion from humanity! It may take a malfunctioning emotional person like me just to realize the full extent of that task... What follows is an excerpt of that novel created in 1988-1995. I blamed God for not stopping my parents divorce, after being raised in Christian church, I wanted to spite God, so I joined satanism and thus began my journey to search out what it would really be like to delete God and *all* religion entirely from humanity! I thought it would be bliss and end all problems in humanity.... I was terrifyingly wrong!! If you do a fully thorough study of who God is and every carefully studied out aspect of Gods character and attributes; compile all of those facts and then systematically delete them all entirely you come to a similar conclusion that I came to as a teenager!-] (This story is written as a fictional record by a brilliant scientist who is taken by the Emperors eldest son during one of the eldest sons visits to earth. The fictional people are a super advanced human race that has ascended to living among the stars with vast intelligence and mind blowing technological prowess. This scene takes place inside the eldest sons private [quarters] - as you can see any specifically unique words invented for this story specifically will be omitted and replaced with common words in brackets so IF I do decide to publish the novel no one can steal my literary property from this post. Also the scientist has a collar on him which is translating everything the [Fictional Man] says into the scientists known dialect and language. And dont forget, this was written by a practicing satanist who sought honestly to search out the true meaning of abolishing *all* religion from humanity, the conclusion of this fictional theory lead me to change my whole perspective on everything I personally believe in real life! There is so much more to the novel, this is just an excerpt: So for all of you considering abolishing *all* religious practices consider this conversation...) We had just come through the [door] of the [Fictional Mans] [quarters] and I was so relieved to be out of the [corridor], away from all the violence and bloodshed. I could not believe that any human race could live such a bloodthirsty and violent lifestyle as all of what I had just experienced! In my lapse of thought I muttered, Thank God, as the [door] closed shut. Instantly the [Fictional Man] whipped around and he glared down at me and he produced a very very fierce guttural shout as he growled at me, Do not infect my [quarters] with your weak, pathetic, worthless religion Earth Man! Instantly I protested, Oh, I am not a religious fool! I am an atheist! Those vermin have infested the whole world so much that sometimes I am amazed at how much even our very words are infected with the bile religious sludge! Then the [Fictional Man] bent down to me and he snarled, So, youre an atheist. Anti-God believer, is that it?! I replied, Yes, I believe that religion weakens the mind from being able to think freely and achieve its full potential! I have become a very very wise scientist because I cast out all religious views from myself! In some ways, I have become like a god myself! The [Fictional Man] laughed a violent laugh, then he ordered for a [baby] to be brought and when they brought one; immediately as fast as a cheetah strikes he withdrew his sword and cut the babys head off! I fell to the floor in absolute shock, numbed to my very core! I lay in stunned horror trying to grasp the fullness of what just happened, and the terrifying reality that my whole face was covered in blood because I was just about a foot from the child when he, he, he murdered it right in front of me! The [Fictional Man] laughed a violent and vicious laugh, then he lunged himself on top of me and he proceeded to scream at me in a fierce guttural growl, There is no such thing as God! There is no such thing as right or wrong! There is no such thing as morals or morality! You dare to act like you are my equal?! You are not equal to me Earth Man! You are weak and pathetic! I can see in your eyes that you think that it is wrong to slaughter a baby! That weakness will pollute your soul and cause you to fall! Your blade will never sing with mine because you fear death! You think you have rights! Because you believe that right and wrong is real! That is what makes you a fool! There is no such thing as right or wrong! You atheists are all the same: you claim to be anti-religion and yet you love life and uphold morals, you believe you have rights, and worst of all you spend all your time arguing with others about why God doesnt matter! And why do you do it?! Ill tell you Earth Man! Because you care about others! You want them to be free from religious bondage; and that means you have feelings! Feelings are weak and useless and worthless! Do you know why I brought you here?! Listen well, Earth Man, I spared your life and brought you here with me because you are wise and well learned among Earth Men! And why would I do that, you may ask, but before you pollute yourself with your worthless religious ideals let me tell you Earth Man! A story perhaps, for let us say that I went out and found the cub of a wolf and I slayed that cub of a wolf with my blade. Do you suppose I would get any honor from my brothers and sisters in the great halls?! Would they cheer or applause?! I have brought you here Earth Man because I tire of waiting for you to reach an honorable state! I desire to make my name greatest in all the empire, greater than even my own father! My desire is to put my blade to your throat and remove your heads with honor! You are here to learn how to make all the other races of man equal to us! And then at last we will fight to see which race is the greatest of all the human races! If your blades can sing with ours, then you will walk with us! If your blades cannot sing with ours, then we will take your heads from your throats! The [Fictional Man] stood up from over me and he shouted, When you destroy all your religious weaknesses, your laws, your justice, your rights, and your governments then and only then will you be prepared to raise blades with us! You have no rights Earth Man! There is no such thing as God; and there is no such thing as right or wrong! If you cannot raise your blade against me than you are not worthy to go on living! Why be afraid of death?! Either you are worthy to live or you are not! If you are not worthy to live than I will take your head from your throat! And then I will do whatever I please to do with all that you have! If your wife cannot stand against me I shall have my way with her! If your children cannot stand against me I shall have my way with your children! You dont have any rights [Mr. Scientist]! You are either worthy of honor or utterly worthless! Then the [Fictional Man] called for his son to be brought before us and as soon as his son entered the room the [Fictional Man] was upon him to destroy his own son! But to my utter shock the child fought as ferocious as his father and the two attacked each other until suddenly I heard the most bizarre sound Ive ever heard! A loud and long musical tune in a ringing form. It came just as the fathers and the sons blades hit each other with the same force! And the [Fictional Man] growled, You are my equal! Go in honor my son, you are worthy to [go on living]! Then the [Fictional Man] stormed back over to me, his footsteps thundering across the floor, and he growled, Now you know what it means to have our blades sing! The [Fictional Man] reached down and grabbed the back of my shirt and he raised me to my feet by the back of my shirt and he began to educate me saying, I desire to have my blade to your throat with honor, that my brothers and sisters would applaud! Therefore you will make careful record of everything I teach you and you will take it to the earth and prepare the Earth Men and the Earth Women for my challenge! If you do not make yourselves strong, then, I will come and destroy the entire earth! Not with some massive weapon, such foolishness as you would design! No, I will very slowly siphon out the earths heart! As earths heart fades away the fields around her will die off slowly and very very slowly the atmosphere will dissolve away! First the magnetic fields will dim, then fierce and violent weather will ensue, and then gravity will begin to drop! You will be forced underground, where you will scrounge like roaches! But finally solar radiation will become so strong that it boils all the water in the entire mantle of earth, including your weak and pathetic human religious brains! Imagine that [Mr. Scientist]! My father and my ancestors have yet to make Earth Man worthy to challenge; but I shall be the [Fictional Man] who does! At long last I have the technology to subdue you and force you to put your throats under my blades! Then his absolutely emotionless eyes glared into my soul and he said, You have a choice: make your kind ready to challenge me; or face total annihilation of the most slowest and painful of ways possible! If I cant challenge you, then I will amuse myself at your utter suffering destruction! It is not honorable to slay the maggot of a dead dogs flea! You are worthless [Mr. Scientist]! I desire to put my blade to your throat with honor! You will give me that honor or I will destroy your earth! If you can make your blade to sing with mine; then we will be brothers you and I! If you are worthy, then you can be equal to me! All religion is a fake fantasy made up in the minds of fools! You waste your time fighting something that doesnt exist! There is no God! You waste your strength living in weaknesses and pathetic filth of the ideals of fools and morons! There is no right and there is no wrong! Grab a blade and slaughter everyone around you until you find one that can sing their blade with yours! There is no right to live, there is only honor to the one who can prove they are worthy to live! No one has any rights, because there is no such thing as right! If your blade cannot keep what is yours, then your are not worthy to have or to live! All emotions are weakness! Even anger and hate is a weakness! We have genetically perfected ourselves, all weaknesses are removed from us! We never touch each other, unless it is to collect the blood of our victims, those too foolish to be worthy to live! Anyone not worthy is worthless! If you are not equal to me than you are worthless! If I am not equal to my father or brothers or sisters; than I am worthless! But I am equal to my father and to my mother and to my brothers and to my sisters! I am equal and greater to all! I am worthy to live! Then the [Fictional Man] called for his daughter and a young child was brought into the room and I couldnt hide my shock as they fought just as viciously and violently as he had fought his son. For several minutes they tried to kill each other, and the young child did not reserve to try to kill her father! But again came that ringing sound, like the tone of a musical instrument as the two blades of metal hit with equal force and suddenly reverberated off each other! The [Fictional Man] then said, You are equal to me daughter! You are worthy to live! And then he sent her away. He approached me and ordered that the mess from the baby be cleaned up and his servants began to clean up the mess and he sat down to counsel me more as he said, That is but a [baby], they are manufactured for our service! Only a true [blood royal Fictional Person] can create a child from the womb. All others are genetically produced in our [baby making machine]. They create each other and raise each other and destroy each other. If a [baby] does not become a [child] and fails at any task to be a [child] its head is cut off and it is thrown away! If a [child] does not become a [young warrior] and fails at any task to be a [young warrior] its head is cut off and it is thrown away! So I laugh when you cringe at the destruction of this [baby] because you are not aware that we can [manufacture] as many as we want! There is no such thing as values [Mr. Scientist]! Life has no value, and there is no value in life! You think that you are free from religion and all the weakness of religion! You will not be totally free from all religious nonsense until you shred off of you every bit of the entire weakness of that vile pollution called feelings and emotions! There is no such thing as justice [Mr. Scientist] that is a fake myth! I can take anything I want from you, including your life, if you are not worthy to keep it! We waste nothing affording police forces here such as you do there! If you cant keep what is yours, than you are not worthy to have it! If you cant keep your blood in your throat than you are not worthy to have the blood in your throat! You understand how much logical sense this makes [Mr. Scientist]! You are a man of logic are you not?! Well, how much logic is there in our code of laws where everything makes perfect sense and nothing is wasted on weakness, especially of vile religion and religious pollutions! We are absolutely pure of all religion here! Nothing of the ideals of God or religion exists in this empire! We are the most glorious of all mankind! We are the greatest of mankind, the perfection of the human race! Only the very best are honorable to live as one of us, therefore only the strongest and most worthy of us forms the whole of our entire society and race! What you see is absolute human perfection of freedom from all religious weakness and pollution! A life free from caring or loving or having any feelings at all! We are free from the pathetic weakness of feelings and emotions! We live only for and by honor! Our whole society is based upon the simplistic code of honor! There are no rules or rituals to learn, very simple, raise your blade and hope it sings! If you cant make your blade sing, than you are not worthy to be part of this empire and you will be destroyed! If you cant make your blade sing with us, than you are utterly worthless! You will be destroyed! But we expect you to fight until the moment your head is torn from your throat! Because if you dont, than we will burn all you have and cast you and all your ashes into the darkness of [space] and your name will be forgotten forever and you will not go to glory with your emperor to the other world! The only ones who join the emperor in the other world to challenge empires on the great plains are those who prove their honor in this world! They will have a name and stone to mark their honor! All others will be forgotten forever. Yet again the [Fictional Man] stared deeply into my eyes and I could not find any emotion at all in them, and he said, Knowing these things, does it not make you salivate to become like one of us?! To finally be absolutely free from the fantasies and myths of God and all that God is and from religion and all that religion is; freed from all the lies that make you weak and vulnerable! To step into absolute perfection of mankind! A world where your full power can be revealed and where you know whether you are worthy to be alive or not! If your head tears off your throat, then youre not worthy to be alive! Very simple, you see?! All that complex nonsense of earth about right and wrong and my rights and your rights and the ridiculously foolish concept of law enforcement and laws and governments! Ill tell you why my father is the emperor; it is because he is the strongest of us all! No one can challenge my father, not even me! If I could slay him, I would be emperor! But none can defeat my father in challenge! That is how we decide who is the emperor here! The greatest of us all! There are no politics and no politicians! Each member of our empire is ranked by strength. Do you now understand why I cannot take your throat to my blade [Mr. Scientist]?! According to our perfect laws the greater one cannot challenge a lesser one! This would cause mass chaos! If a lesser one wants to move up in social standings than they challenge the greater one! If they can make their blade to sing, they move up in social standing; if they cannot make their blade to sing, they will have their head removed from their throat! Very simple code, you see?! We have perfectly genetically designed brains so we never forget the abilities of everyone around us. We know who is capable of what level of challenge skills. My children are equal to me so I can challenge them anytime I desire to! Perhaps one day they will become greater than me! [A Warrior] can choose for themselves whether or not to slay their victim, most often these lesser members are simply placed into their own social order and the greater [Warrior] is not allowed to challenge them evermore. If the lesser one challenges the greater one, than they will raise blades against each other! See how that makes perfect sense?! This is what you must bring to the earth so that I and my brothers and my sisters can challenge you in a duel of honor! If you dont, then you will all die a slow and painful suffocating death from the destruction of earths heart! I do not care which way it goes myself. Ever since my scientists came up with a way to cause slow mass suffering globally on earth and a way for us to watch it all happening; it doesnt matter to me which of the options you chose for yourself. But I beg to know within my soul the full conclusion to the matter: which human race is the greatest human race of all?! Make yourselves ready for challenge and then we shall finally know once and for all! Will your blades sing with ours, or will you all lose your heads?! This is the true purity from all religious pollutions! No God and no religion! No values, no morals, no right and no wrong; no justice [Mr. Scientist]! All of that weakens mankind from the greatness of his glory as a man! A real man should stand and slay anyone who is not equal to him and prove himself by what level of honor he stands in a society! Once you spend enough time with us you will realize how perfect our ways are! We neither hate nor love! We never have to waste time with such trivial matters as relationship! Father places his seed into the [device] and mother places her seed in the [device] and a baby is manufactured! If it isnt perfect enough, just destroy it and make another one! Then the children raise the children! The weakest of us all are made to supervise the children and teach them our code of honor. You can have anything you want in this empire, if, you are strong enough to defeat the [Warrior] who owns it! And no one cares about who or how many you kill here! Kill all you want, as long as you can prove yourself worthy to do so! Just remember, once you challenge someone else, you may be the one without a head! Now do you see how that solves every crime issue you fools on earth have been dawdling with since you first made societies! You Earth Men are utter fools to hold onto such things as love and care and feelings and emotions! All of that comes from the false lie of God and the foolish and pathetic weakness of the sickness of belief in God! You diseased virmen, walking around polluted to your very souls! Hugging your children and worrying about emotional support?! You disgust us! God loving, fantasy living morons! Break away from religion and become perfect like us you morons! Kill anyone you want and prove you are honorable to do so! You have no idea the joy of the first time you slaughter your own child! The pure pleasure of taking your own blood! The fool was only five years of age and he challenged me! So I took his head before he could even withdraw his blade! He was not worthy to live [Mr. Scientist]! Simple as that! I will teach you how to break free from all that God is inside your pathetic and polluted weakened mind [Mr. Scientist]! I will make you strong [Mr. Scientist]! Stronger than you ever dreamed to be [Mr. Scientist]! Learn from me and you will develop a thirst for power and for human blood! We are perfection! We have absolutely no religious weakness in us! We [Fictional People] are the most glorious of all mankind! And I shall teach you how to become like us! Then we will finally see if you are worthy to have that head and keep your blood! This is what it means to be truly free from God and all religion utterly! Until you become like me, you cannot claim to be free from the false lie of Gods myths! Until you become like me, you will always be bound to religious weakness [Mr. Scientist]! All feelings and emotions come from the myth of God! Read that thing they call a Bible; read it, youll see! Those lies are what cause mankind to develop feelings and emotions! It is a lie that you are to be emotional! Emotions make you weak [Mr. Scientist]! You will never be a great warrior until you cast off all emotions from the lies of religion of God! They are not real! It is all lie to weaken you! To control you! You are about to learn how to become the most powerful Earth Man ever! Free from all weakness! What you see here is true purity from religion, from all religion! We are pure and we are perfection! The [Fictional Man] continued, You may think that we do not know your ways of religion. Hear my words: There once was a great forefather of our empire: Emperor Zeus! He tried to use human religion to turn earth under his power and control! But he became entrapped in religion himself with earth man; and more specifically he raised his hands to touch Earth Women! He tainted our pure and royal blood! For that, when he was returned back to his throne, he was thrust through by an arrow before he could sit upon it! The absolute most dishonorable way for a [Fictional Man] to die! After Emperor Zeus our great empire turned away from religion entirely and the code of honor was birthed! Never since Emperor Zeus has a [Fictional Man] defiled our royal blood with lowly Earth Women! We were born on the earth and of the earth, but we became so wise we ascended to the stars! We have become greater than the earth! Our blood is pure and perfect! It shall never be mixed with the imperfections of Earth Women! I shall end the excerpt here. Any further information would betray my privacy and rights to the content, should someone try to steal it! Basically I wanted to make this post to show the full true extent of removing God entirely and utterly deleting every attribute and character of God from a human race. Is that really what people want??!! No, I think theyre just as dumb and blind as I was before I fully searched out what it really means to utterly delete God and all He is from existing in humanity! Go ahead, search it out: there is a lot more of God in every part of this world than people think there is! The truth about being in a world with zero God and zero religion may be a lot darker than anyone ever thinks to consider in a real practical way. So pause for a bit and really think about what this theory shows is the real conclusion to a Godless, no religion society of human beings! Think about it. Do you really, really want that, for real??!! Just think about it!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:58:28 +0000

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