Ive actually thought how smart Louise Hay is many times; I think, - TopicsExpress


Ive actually thought how smart Louise Hay is many times; I think, she writes well and is a successful published author. People are born into any given lifetime in the perfect context for their karma to unfold and for them to learn the appropriate lessons at their level of development. For whatever reason it was necessary for her to be abused in some ways. I think Oprah Winfrey was molested?! Thats pretty disgusting and vile to me, but I guess it served a purpose and had to happen. My parents were well adjusted and progressive people who gave me a lot of love. They actually always told me how smart I was, and my grandmother did also. She told me, youll be a world beater. I was her favorite of all her grandchildren. Ive actually had the opposite problem as Louise; when I was an adolescent I thought I was a genius and smarter than everyone else around me. I had an ego problem. I still think that, but not in every way. I believe I cross a pretty high threshold of intelligence in most ways and then I have certain areas of genius where Im smarter than anyone else. Ive had people tell me many times, youre very smart, and sometimes brilliant even, and other similar things. Ive also had a close friend tell me once, youre not that smart, but I just thought he was jealous and the woman he was with was attracted to me. His IQ was only about 115, which is a lot smarter than average, but mine is much higher than that. I give very partial credence to those tests; they measure a narrow set of mental abilities, not true intelligence. I dont believe that true intelligence can be measured on a test. The way Im smartest is in intuitive ways that goes way beyond IQ. I know my limitations also; I know certain areas that Im not as smart in, and its fine with me. People are born with the perfect intelligence to fulfill their souls agenda in this life. I know thats true. One of the things that frustrates me in particular is when I know things better than someone else and I try to get them to see my truth and they wont listen. I feel like theyll wait until its too late to realize what Im talking about and that theyre making mistakes. Its difficult to deal with. I need to surrender, trust God, and give up a need to control others or outcomes. Everything is perfect and is unfolding perfectly. I believe Im as smart or smarter than the average successful published author. I just dont have any ideas for a book. I just write blogs or essays when I have something on my mind. Id like to perfect my writing style and grammar as well, but those are all learned skills. I like my direct and pithy writing style that gets to the point, expresses sometimes profound ideas, and sometimes poignantly. Maybe an idea will come to me to write a book that will have broad and universal appeal. Im just going with the flow for the time being. Perseverance is a lot more important than intelligence also; Ive seen successful stock brokers (and others) who were complete idiots, and Ive seen people who were geniuses in their own way but had bad ideas and no perseverance. If I could only one then Id choose perseverance.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 00:18:39 +0000

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