Ive already shared the article but I feel it necessary to share - TopicsExpress


Ive already shared the article but I feel it necessary to share this excerpt from it. It speaks volumes. So, you may be asking yourself, what can I do to help... Well, as the daughter of a firefighter, who grew up celebrating birthdays and Christmass at the firehouse, who has watched her uncles cry after a tough day on the job, and seen first hand the toll that this job takes on them and their families, THIS is what you can do... SUPPORT THEM THE OTHER 364 DAYS OF THE YEAR! Have their backs! Ask yourself this question, why does the Leary Firefighters Fund have to exist? Why does a non-profit organization have to exist to help fund training and equipment for Fire Departments? Why do our elected officials redecorate their offices, when our fire houses are crumbling around old trucks? Why do politicians get raises, and fire houses get closed? Our first responders (Fire, Police, EMS) are not getting rich at work. They are the first to be criticized, and last to be thanked. They are used as political pawns to rile up voters when budget cuts are needed, and vilified in the press for the slightest infractions. But, no one ever has trouble dialing 911 when they need help. Hold your elected officials accountable, make sure that your local fire house has what they need. Stop by the house and ask questions, demand better gear, training, and treatment. Act as their best advocates when taxes are being raised, and budgets are being cut. These brave heroes go to work EVERY DAY protecting the communities that they live in, and we benefit from their sacrifices. Even a simple Thank You while they are out washing the truck goes a long way.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:09:14 +0000

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