Ive always - very naively, I realize - thought that Israel would - TopicsExpress


Ive always - very naively, I realize - thought that Israel would find a way to defeat attackers that didnt require innocent casualties. Ive never examined that belief, until recently - its just been there, in the background. The guys in the white hats only shoot bad guys, right? Ive been very troubled by this conflict because, very simply, its like watching Ghandi or MLK fire into a crowd. My thoughts, of course, were unrealistic. My hopes for a country I view as one of the most ethical and moral in the region far exceeded the possibilities offered to them by a hostile world. Because I feel this way, I would like to offer my perspective on some of the criticism that Israel has received. Much of the condemnation of Israel, I think, has come from feelings that are the diametric OPPOSITE of anti-semitism. Israel is viewed by many as the moral leaders of the region, and yet Israel is killing children and civilians. The shock is profound and not everyone will re-examine their expectations to realize that they were based merely on hopes, and not on facts. What of the future? Hamas was *elected,* true; they then provoked (and continue to provoke) Israels defensive attack - and Israel argues justifiably that by destroying Hamas military power, fewer children and civilians will be killed in the long term. Hamas wasnt elected unanimously, though, and so it is certain that those who did not support Hamas are among the dead. Certainly the children who are dying without knowing what any of it is about are in that group. Its been stated that Hamas sacrifices its own children ... but it is equally likely that it has managed to save the children of Hamas supporters while sacrificing those who supported Fatah. In either case, the children are mere pawns in a deadly game. There are no easy answers, here, nor any winners. Everyone loses, except any vultures waiting on the sidelines to take advantage of their weakened enemies. Ill express one hope in closing this little monologue: that the good hearted people on both sides, when this war ends, realize that they were fighting individuals and not entire populations, and that there are good and kind people on the other side that didnt want the conflict and would love to extend a hand in peace. My own family fled Nazi Germany because they felt the Nazi principles were wrong. Very soon after arriving, my uncle - then only a child - had his eye put out by an American youth cursing the dirty Nazi Germans. I mention this to emphasize: it is our moral duty to treat people as individuals. The evil in the world should never be allowed to destroy the good in our hearts.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:17:50 +0000

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