Ive always believed words hold special power, they make you feel - TopicsExpress


Ive always believed words hold special power, they make you feel things, they make you think...and books have that same power dont you guys agree? In a book words can either lift up a character or cripple them. Megan has a way with words, I think we can all agree..;) While writing Enforce (Elite from Nixon and Chases POV) I was thrown into a spiral of...holy crap they choose words so carefully...like theyre doing battle...So I WANT TO KNOW what are some of your favorite quotes, words, scenes, what gets you going when you read Megans books or any books? Winner gets a copy of any book in my backlist (ebook) And here are some of my words from Enforce! Licking my lips I approached her again, this time, damning myself to hell with each step I took. “Are you lost?” “Nope.” She grinned, damn it made her prettier. “Apparently I live in the United States.” With a shrug she tried and failed to lift her heavy suitcase and nearly toppled over onto her cute ass. I muffled a laugh, knowing that Chase was doing the exact same thing. Being mean to her would be like kicking a puppy. But the world was ugly. I just hated that I would be her tutor in the ways of reality—her prince of darkness. Damn, I would have done anything to be the hero. “I’m Nixon.” I stood directly in front of her, shifting my eyes from her poorly fitting clothes to her ugly shoes. “Tracey, but everyone calls me Trace.” She held out her hand. I itched to touch it. To touch her skin. Instead, I scowled, shook her hand, then wiped that same hand on my jeans as if she was diseased. “Rules.” “What?” She took a step back. Chase moved past me, “He’s right. As cute as you are, Farm Girl, someone needs to tell you the rules.” Her gaze narrowed, “Can it be fast?” Yeah, again, I almost lost my mind. Chase was probably ready to shit his pants. The last person that talked back to him was Phoenix and that ended with a few broken bones and a trip to the dentist. “You hear that Chase?” I said amused, “She likes it fast.” “Pity,” Chase took a step closer, nearly touching her with his body, “I’d like to give it to her slow.” His eyes raked her in, as if she was the first girl he’d ever seen in his entire existence. Jealousy surged through me. What he hell? She wasn’t’ his. Not that she was mine, but still. He was standing too close, too close. “The rules.” He stepped back. My heart beat returned to normal, “No speaking to the Elect, unless you’ve been asked to speak to them.” He circled around her staring a little long at her ass before he continued. “Who are the--“ “—Nope. You’ve already broken a rule. I’m speaking New Girl.” Chase smirked. “Geez, Nixon, this one’s going to be hard to break in.” “They always are.” I said without taking my eyes from her, “But I think I’ll enjoy this one.” The first true thing I’d said. I would enjoy it too much. I’d enjoy her too much, because she reminded me of someone I used to know. Someone who offered to save me, when I was already past saving, someone who wiped my tears, and cried as if they were her own. --(Enforce, Eagle Elite Series)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:40:00 +0000

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