Ive always pondered the possibility of writing a Suicide Squad - TopicsExpress


Ive always pondered the possibility of writing a Suicide Squad arc. I like the fact that the team has never had a set roster which is kind of the intriguing draw behind the concept. When writing for a title like Suicide Squad, its a very tricky dynamic to balance because you not only have to bring these misfits together but you have to also create engaging circumstances for them to actually be on the team and be believable. Assembling my own roster has been something Ive always pondered about and in a discussion with JP last weekend, I got to really thinking about it. Here are the members I would put on Task Force X: Team Leader: Victor Fries Codename: Mr. Freeze Knowing the character as well as I do, the tricky thing about Mr. Freeze is finding what motivates him. Its kind of hard when you have a man who is claiming to be dead to emotions and marches to the beat of his own drum. Victor would never willingly cooperate on a team like the Suicide Squad; even with explosive device implanted. So the way I would get him to cooperate... implant it on Nora. Hold her in a remote location with a live feed that Waller could call on at anytime and ransom her life in exchange for Victors cooperation. Victors cold gun and freezing tech makes him a formidable opponent and a invaluable asset. His no-nonsense demeanor has the perfect makings of a team leader and mix that with the longing for his wifes safety... No one would be foolish enough to challenge him. The Brains: William Tockman Codename: Clock King Tockman is an efficiency expert. Most missions would run on being just that... efficient. His expertise in technology and obsession with time would be the perfect addition this roster. Tockman doesnt need an explosive planted inside of him because hes already a walking dead man. He suffers from a rare condition that requires a special vaccination taken daily at a precise time. Without it he will die. If taken a second too late or too early... he dies. It is impossible to replicate and Waller bought the company that manufactures it putting her in sole control of the vaccine. If Tockman dies, his sister who relies on him to take care of her, will be alone. This is his sole purpose until he can be rid of Waller and gain access to the endless supply of vaccinations that will allow him to live long enough to take care of his sister..or find a cure. The Speed: Eobard Thawne Codename: Professor Zoom Thawne was actually conducting an assassination attempt on the Flash when he was captured by Wallers forces. He tried to jump back to the 25th Century in an effort to escape until he was informed by Waller that an explosive device was implanted inside of him. Thawne, believing he could use the speed force to render it useless is surprised to learn that his explosive is unique. It was devised by Tockman. A highly sophisticated, time bomb. It was implanted inside of Thawne a nano second out of phase with reality. There is no way for him to remove it by himself. Any attempt to run or remove the bomb will trigger a detonation. Zoom is stuck here in the present and is forced to do jobs for Waller until he can find a way to escape. The Witch: Klairon Theres always room for a little unconventional weaponry in a conventional war and that is where Klairon comes into play. Though a young teenager, Klairon is a powerful sorcerer who is skilled in the dark arts. His abilities are as powerful as his temper. However, Klairon has a weakness that only Waller is aware of and she uses that to keep him under control for her dirty dealings . Klairons only motivation is to be free from Waller so he can turn her into a living statue and relish in her everlasting torment. The Wildcard: Selina Klye Codename: Catwoman A master infiltrator and thief, there is no facility that she cannot break in or out of. Long since given up the life of a thief, Selena inherited a fortune from a late husband and bankrolled it into a multibillion-dollar cosmetic company. Waller learned that in order to cut costs, her company had begin testing harmful products on animals in other countries; even on children. These harmful products resulted in many deaths. Selena had no knowledge of her companys dirty dealings and joined the Suicide Squad in hopes that Waller would destroy the evidence after one mission. Instead, Waller or put an explosive collar around her neck vowing to expose more children to her companys harmful products before leaking it to the press. Selena stays on the team long enough to devise a plan against Waller and save her company in the process. The Muscle: John Corben or Matt Hagen Codename(s): Metallo or Clayface The Veteran: David (Last name Unknown) Codename: Black Manta A former member of Wallers task force X, Black Manta is one of the few surviving members of his original suicide squad team. He has since earned his freedom and married Amanda Waller. He is her bodyguard and husband; which makes him extra protective of her interests. Manta serves as the overseer of the group. His main job is ensuring that his wifes missions go exactly as planned and the team stays in line should Freeze lose his nerve.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:14:18 +0000

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