Ive attached herewith my personal assessment of the pioneer - TopicsExpress


Ive attached herewith my personal assessment of the pioneer generation leadership team as well as the current leadership team. SUMMARY OF PIONEER GENERATION LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENTS: Pass: economic development along with social development and containment Pass: affordable housing Pass: affordable healthcare Pass: affordable transport Pass: affordable education Pass: affordable amenities Pass: CPF savings program Pass: wage distribution Pass: wealth distribution Pass: ELITISM containment Theyve achieved 10/10 and has built a very strong Economic and Social foundation model and Eco environment for One Nation, One People and One Singapore. OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT: A* for ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION AND ONE SINGAPORE WITH STEADY ECONOMIC AND GDP GROWTH ALONG WITH WELL MANAGED WAGE AND WEALTH DISTRIBUTION TO PREVENT ELITISM AND CONTINUE SUSTAINING OUR SOCIAL COHESIVENESS. The pioneer generation, during my dads time has praised and placed all their faith, trust and confident in the pioneer generation government leadership then. Though times are hard then, everyone did their part at every levels of Singapores nation building as Singaporeans were assured that as long as we continue to work hard and work hand in hand with the government to build and progress our economy and GDP, we will eventually own an AFFORDABLE HDB unit for ourself and our loved ones and able to retire at the age of 55 years old and withdraw ALL our hard earned CPF savings to enjoy our silver and golden years with our grandchildren. And yes, under the pioneer generations leadership then we did just that. SLOWLY but SURELY, the pioneer generation has BUILT, UNITED and PROGRESSED as One Nation, One People, One Singapore. TOGETHER, MAJORITY of Singaporean citizens enjoyed the fruits of our combined effort and contribution to nation building. MAJORITY of our Singaporean citizens day to day livelihood kept improving years after years with the ongoing cost management and containment towards affordable housing, transport, healthcare and education for ALL Singaporean citizens. Governments cost and expenses were kept in check to ensure the most of the tax payers contribution goes back into the society to assure AFFORDABLE housing, healthcare, transport and education for ALL Singaporean citizens. The government has kept their promise and my dad worked hard to bring up a family of 8 children and retired with his AFFORDABLE HDB unit FULLY PAID UP. Hes able to withdraw ALL his HARD EARNED CPF savings and has ENJOYED 20 silver and golden years with his children and 16 grandchildren. With the above affordability, my siblings and I completed our general education and has a decent earning job to provide for our children. With him and my mother caring for our children as well as my other siblings children, my wife and I do not need to worry about our children being mistreated by domestic helpers while were at work and we can FOCUS on our career. Together as a 3 tiers family, weve built and enjoyed very close family ties with all my siblings and their families as well. We supported each other and more importantly placing KEY FOCUS in our parents day to day livelihood and happiness financially and emotionally. We have frequent and regular family gatherings as well as simple family holidays together to continue renewing our bonds. In the nutshell, my dad generation and my generation truly appreciated the pioneer generation leadership and vision then. The pioneer generation leadership team then has earned our faith, trust and respect then. This ECO system that all our pioneer generation has played their part to build up in their last 2 over decades and achieved was progressing so well. We have so much confidence that there will be better times ahead and our livelihood will continue to improve with such a great Eco system. Singaporeans will continue to remember and respect what theyve achieved with our forefathers during the 60s to the 80s. Dear Mr Lee Hsien Loong, please allow me ask you this question. Weve heard your impressive NDP speeches but how did you and the current leadership team believe youve fair since the taking over from the pioneer generation leadership team !!!!!! Under the pioneer generation leadership, our economy and GDP progress steadily. The Nation was united and Singaporean citizens and foreign citizens as well as the foreign talents regardless of country of origin were brought closer to each other with GREAT SOCIAL HARMONY regardless of race and religion. Yes, during your leadership weve seen good and very high level of economic and GDP growth data. However, coming along with these high level data and statistics achievements are also many very concerning SOCIAL DIVIDE feedbacks with Singaporean citizens and foreigners as well as foreign citizens calling each other xenophobic names. The seriousness of SOCIAL DIVIDE resulted in actual scenarios such as the bus driver strike and little India riot incidents within our country. Fortunately there are no death incurred. Many Singaporean citizens has felt that you and your leadership team has FAILED BADLY as compared to the pioneer generation track record and their abilities to BUILD, UNITE and PROGRESS Singaporean citizens and our foreign citizens as One Nation, One People, One Singapore then with great SOCIAL HARMONY. This current SOCIAL DIVIDE under you and your current leadership team is due to the result that only a small minority consisting of the RICH and ELITE Singaporeans in both the private as well as the PUBLIC sectors whom has truly enjoyed the fruits of our effort and contribution to nation building while MAJORITY of our Singaporean citizens day to day livelihood kept going downhill years after years with the cost of ALL the KEY housing, transport, healthcare and education amenities spiraling out of control. Worst off, the wages of our middle and lower income groups are stifled to the point of almost stagnant with 2 over millions of foreign talents and foreign citizens that the current leadership team has brought in during the last 2 decades. While the current leadership team GENEROUSLY REWARDED you and your ELITE team with high pay and increments as well as huge bonuses years after years, you and your team has TOTALLY NEGLECTED your KEY RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY to ENSURE that MAJORITY (not MINORITY of the RICH & ELITE of the private and public sectors) will benefit from the yearly economic and GDP growth. You and your current leadership team HAD FAILED TO REVIEW, MITIGATE AND PREVENT this very serious and concerning wage disparity and wealth distribution during the last 1 to 2 decades of economic and GDP growth. Instead of resolving all the above issues, the government throw the responsibilities back to its citizens and further amended the policies and constitution and RETAINED our hard earned CPF savings instead of RETURNING ALL THE CPF SAVINGS TO THE CITIZENS AS WAS INITIALLY PROMISED WHEN THE CPF SAVINGS PROGRAM STARTED. These above issues along with ALL the resulting social issues need IMMEDIATE ATTENTION and RESOLUTION before the SOCIAL DIVIDE FURTHER WORSEN. With such negative IMPACT that you and the current leadership team has brought upon MAJORITY of Singaporean citizens in the last 2 decades as Minister and subsequently as PM, how so are you able to convince Singaporeans to continue voting and placing our faith, trust and confidence in you to lead us forward into a better future? THE KEY QUESTION TO OUR CURRENT LEADERSHIP TEAM: ARE YOU ABLE TO REVIEW, MITIGATE AND REVERSE THE ABOVE AND REBUILT OUR ECO ENVIRONMENT AS PER WHAT THE PREVIOUS LEADERSHIP TEAM HAD BUILT AND ACHIEVED DURING THE PIONEER GENERATION ERA BEFORE THE 2016 GE IN ORDER TO REGAIN THE FAITH, TRUST AND CONFIDENCE OF SINGAPOREANS .... SUMMARY OF CURRENT GENERATION LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENTS (in this case FAILURE): Failed: economic and GDP development along with social development and containment Failed: affordable housing Failed: affordable healthcare Failed: affordable transport Failed: affordable education Failed: affordable amenities Failed: CPF savings program Failed: wage distribution Failed: wealth distribution Failed: ELITISM containment OVERALL FAILURE: 0/10 THOUGH THEY CONTINUED TO BELIEVE THEYVE DONE A GREAT JOB FOR SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS BY ACHIEVING GOOD ECONOMIC AND GDP GROWTH IN THE LAST 1 TO 2 DECADES, THEYVE SERIOUS FAILED TO ENSURE THAT MAJORITY OF SINGAPOREANS WILL SHARE AND BENEFIT FROM OUR YEARLY ECONOMIC AND GDP GROWTH. INSTEAD, BASED ON THE LAST DECADE OF DETAIL STATISTICAL DATA ON WAGE AND WEALTH DISTRIBUTION, THE RICH AND ELITE FROM BOTH THE PRIVATE AND PIBLIC SECTORS (INCLUDING MANY OF THE RICH AND ELITE PRESIDENTS, PMs, MINISTERS AND THEIR ELITE TEAM) HAS THRIVED TREMENDOUSLY FROM ALL THE POLICIES AND LEGISLATIONS AS WELL AS THE CONSTITUTION CHANGES. THAT HAS DIRECTLY AS WELL AS INDIRECTLY ENABLED ELITISM AND THUS DISRUPTED SOCIAL COHESIVENESS. MEANTIME, THE LIVELIHOOD OF MAJORITY OF SINGAPOREAN CITIZENS CONTINUED THE GET TOUGHER AND TOUGHER YEARS AFTER YEARS WHICH EVENTUALLY CREATED THE CURRENT SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:48:46 +0000

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