Ive become so desensitized to violence and war over the last - TopicsExpress


Ive become so desensitized to violence and war over the last decade that its hard to tell sometimes how seriously to take all these world news events. The rate and magnitude of this violence however has reached a level that has really begun to worry me. How close are we really to a third World War? With so many different conflicts going on in such a relatively small area of the world, how long until NATO gets legitimately involved? At what point can we no longer stay out of it? Im assuming that we are not at risk of another Pearl Harbor or 9/11, but obviously there were people, and even nations, who found that level of violence conceivable at the time. I sympathize for all those people who are caught in the middle of the current crossfire, innocent or not, and I cant even image what it must be like to be in constant fear of losing your home, friends, family, or life. I realize this will probably be read by very few, but I felt the desire to write out my thoughts to help me figure it all out. The only reason Im sharing this is I would love to hear other peoples thoughts.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:21:50 +0000

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