Ive been a teenager for 7 years……7 very…very long years. now - TopicsExpress


Ive been a teenager for 7 years……7 very…very long years. now in under 3 days I will be 20 and no longer a teenager. good things 1. I can say bye to some awful people 2 And bye to some very messy nights 3. Never having to worry about school exams 4. Actually not having to worry about any other exams in general 5. Not being looked down upon by your teacher who was probably not even 6 years older than you in the first place 6. Not having to wear what your mother asked you to (not that I did in the first place) 7. I can forget horrendous hairdos such as the jelled side fringe with spiky hair, short back and sides, purple hair (that turned every colour all the way to a colour that wouldnt be to dissimilar to something you stain wooden furniture with) and possibly the worst and the best one THE BOWL CUT!! 8. Pretending such public fashion disasters never happened like ponchos 9. Forgetting all of my fashion disasters, like wearing wellies on any occasion no matter the time place or weather (although I to this day think they looked cool) 10. I can look forward to getting my own house…when Im 35!! and then to retirement when Im 90 to pick up the bad habits that I developed in teenage hood such as sleeping in and midnight feasts. bad things 1. Strops will no longer be considered as a teenage thing rather a loss of self control 2. I will have to grow up at some point 3. Onset of wrinkles 4. Loss of hair 5. Rapid gaining of weight followed by 6. A mid life crisis (although i seem to have one of these every year) 7. It will no longer be acceptable to go and see pixar animations at the cinema 8. Couples asking hows the love life? then quickly turning to number 9. Watching bridget Jones on constant repeat 10. Still looking older than my bloody age!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 04:30:32 +0000

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