Ive been a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society for 5 years. - TopicsExpress


Ive been a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society for 5 years. One thing I cherish is being a part of Relay for Life, both as a committee member and the Team Captain of Night Walkers. I am really excited about participating in this years Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life because every step I take in Relay raises money to help the Canadian Cancer Society save lives. As most of you know Im no stranger to hospitals, I basically have a reserved room! I am well versed in needles, Im my own pharmacy, I can take my own blood pressure and give myself my own needles. I am known to nurses as the one who is impossible to start an IV on and the most blood Ive given in a single visit is over 47 vials. I know doctor talk, friendly (and not so friendly) nurses and the most amazing teams of doctors working for a single cause. Ive seen ICU, CCU, and hospice care. Ive heard the fantastic you have NED (no evidence of disease) had the living with cancer talk and sat through the theres nothing else we can do for you other then make you comfortable talk. Im no stranger to PICC lines, Art lines, NG tubes - basically the good, the bad the ugly. Ive watched many friends and family fight this cruel disease....But...Im encouraged as the months pass because Im hearing more positive stories then the sad ones. Though Ive sadly last year alone we said goodbye to Subby (daddy to my friends baby girl); watched my dear friend Laura leave her 2 babies behind as she became a beautiful a Angel and and worst of all saying goodbye to a beautiful little princess just before last years relay leaving her precious sister wondering where her twin was. Why did she go to be with Jesus leaving her here alone- why did she became an angel while in JK? Ive been to too many funerals but also been there to celebrate many end of Chemo parties!! However, beneath all the bad I see HOPE - because 5 years ago my dad was given 3 months ago after a shocking and terrifying diagnosis of non small cell lung cancer. He also has a tumour wrapped around his aorta but because of money raised; research done -Hes on a miracle medicine that surrounds a massive tumour around his heart that has stopped it from growing. Im thankful for each day we wake up and hes here with us. I know that the money each person donates gives families an extra hug, an extra smile and an extra memory with their loved one. It gives kids and grand kids another birthday and Christmas...for my family its an extra chance for some kids to remember Grandpa. Ive had 34 years of memories. The kids have only had 7 and 9 years to make memories. Each day, week, month that passes I am thankful as not only is it another memory but my dad is my biggest cheerleader. If he can fight so can I. I recently found out my friends mom was just diagnosed with the same cancer as my dad and I was happy to tell her there is hope! Though my fight, my families fight, my friends fight is not over there is now more and more reasons to hope - to hope that a cure will one day be more then just a dream. The funds raised not only goes to research but to support groups, transportation and last year alone - Guelphs relay raised enough money to fund a research project! The support Ive received from the Canadian Cancer a Society is priceless. I have met amazing people through these events. From committee members, volunteers and team members. Please consider supporting relay for life 2014. Fight for your mother, your father, your sister or brother. Help raise money for Your best friend or for your children so they dont grow up dealing with this painful, confusing and a lot if the times deadly disease. Thanks for your support, your love and your never ending encouragement. Maureen xoxo convio.cancer.ca/goto/maureen
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 17:04:14 +0000

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