Ive been accused in the past of being a fence sitter. Like my - TopicsExpress


Ive been accused in the past of being a fence sitter. Like my dear friend Matt Noffs said - Im a communist and a capitalist. I believe that the wealth and resources of the world should be distributed evenly amongst all people, with no rest until there is no starvation and no poverty. I believe in a world where we are all one community bounded only by our commonality that is humanity. A world where there is equality and all people are free from repression. I also believe in a free market economy where the skys the limit, and if you work hard and dream big you can build a better life and a better world around you whilst inspiring others to do great things themselves. A society where truly great art and big ideas flourish. So for me, truly the dream is a combination of both. A world where people can follow their dreams, their passions, their consciences, or their hearts and anything is possible. And when they get there they realise how lucky they are. A world where the wealth is more equitably distributed. A world where the rich and successful are happy to share their rewards. A world where the young people are all given free education of the highest quality and are inspired to go and chase their dreams. A world where the mentally ill, the drug addicted, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the disenfranchised, the homeless, and the sick are generously treated with compassion, dignity and respect. A world where peoples default position is trust, acceptance and love. Yes Im an idealist. I believe in the capacity of people to change. Only 50 years ago in the USA there was segregation, and in Australia our indigenous brothers and sisters didnt have the right to vote. This is recent history. But weve come a way in a short space of time. I hope that I see in my lifetime a greater understanding of our differences and a greater level of compassion for all, including those whom we may despise the most, and a reduced tolerance for name calling and bullying. This is the only chance we have for peace. I hope to see a world where Jews, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and atheists preach the same underlying message - Love is god and Hate is the enemy. We all have our reasons for believing in what we believe. And theyre all equally valid ones. For our complexity is largely unknown - its in the chemical composition of our brains, its in what were taught - by our parents, our friends and colleagues, authority figures, the media, our loved ones and our enemies. If we have enough compassion to attempt to understand each others complexities then our lives are enriched and enhanced exponentially. There is a better way of doing things. Its up to all of us to figure it out.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:56:28 +0000

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