Ive been accused of attempting to sabotage a fundraiser for - TopicsExpress


Ive been accused of attempting to sabotage a fundraiser for medical aid for Palestine. Nothing could be further from the truth and I sincerely hope that the organisation in question hosts a highly successful event which raises lots and lots of cash. Ive been researching an article on the challenges faced by hospitals in Gaza during the conflict and beyond. I spoke to several people who are employed by charities who are currently in Gaza working in medical teams. It was highlighted to me that - in their opinion - not mine (I dont have a GCSE in biology and feel faint at the sight of blood) that there was an urgent humanitarian and medical need to restore water and power supplies. To me,the people in Gaza should define the type of assistance that they need to enable them to deliver their humanitarian objectives. My opinion doesnt actually matter. My role, in as much as any of us have one, is to assist and support them inasmuch as I can. The situation for medical teams - as a generalistion - was explained to me in the following terms. Without water, there is no basic sanitation. There are thousands and thousands of people who are living under blankets in hospitals. Many have infections, and there are a number of children suffering from a form of meningitis , according to my source. My source , a medical practitioner, expressed the view that without basic sanitation, that the risks to public health are enormous. When you factor in that a significant number have serious trauma injuries from various causes which require to be kept clean to avoid complications, it is evident that a clean and plentiful water supply is a medical essential. There is a shortage of beds which are being reserved for the most acute. So people are being discharged who still require follow up surgeries and treatments. One of the biggest risks is of infection. One of my sources lives on the 8th floor of a block of flats. Even if water is restored, electric pumps distribute the water across the area, and to multi storey buildings. I am told that there is drinking water which is bought from street vendors, with families chipping in for a 20 gallon bottle. But there is no water for washing or bathing. Again, this presents medical challenges. Should I trust these sources ? but as they seem genuine, why would I? So I stand by my comments that I have been told that it is a humanitarian requirement to restore essential services. Yes, there are generators, but I am told these have not been properly maintained during the years of blockade for a number of different reasons.Lack of money, lack of parts, and difficulties in bringing in replacements. That is not an attempt to sabotage anyones efforts - it seems to me over the past few weeks that I and the rest of the world have not done enough. But what I am told is needed is a lasting solution, lasting peace but in the meantime the international community should use whatever means at its disposal to ensure that the people of Gaza are afforded basic human rights - and in this day and age, that includes the right to basic sanitation, comprehensive and effective medical care, food, shelter, and the ability to sleep at night without wondering if they will wake up in the morning. Its up to charities to prioritise what they want to do, and how they want to help. But what cannot ever be acceptable is for someone to be attacked in this way for expressing a view that someone considered an expert in both conflict medicine and the region imparted to me. So Im going to post the comment on my page - if anyone disagrees - talk to me about it. But dont attack me as some kind of evil woman who is trying to destroy the best intentioned efforts of people who genuinely care and want to help the people of Gaza in their own way. This is what Ive said. Have just spoken with medical team in Gaza - they say biggest challenges are lack of water and electricity. Received letter from British Embassy. I believe that there is a need for a political solution that UK government should be part of which is to insist that essential services are constructed as a matter of emergency. This country has plenty of skilled engineers who could help. If British Gas want to extract Palestines natural gas surely as a matter of social justice they should help rebuild? I dont have any of the answers for Palestine - and I think that the people of Palestine should be allowed to determine for themselves what those solutions are. So I will listen to all sorts of different opinions as to what those might be. Like any nation, Im sure that there is considerable difference. And I for one will always uphold, anyone right to hold any opinion that they choose free from harassment, fear and intimidation. And that includes my own.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:40:09 +0000

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