Ive been approached quite a bit lately about reality TV shows - TopicsExpress


Ive been approached quite a bit lately about reality TV shows based on pageants, specifically Mrs. pageants, so here is my take. I personally have been asked to participate in two reality shows. The first time a crew flew out to my home and filmed my family, my friends, and my lifestyle for a couple days. It went nowhere because my family and friends were to nice it would have made for boring TV. I was completely ok with that. Recently I was approached again about participating in a new show, I said I would be interested in discussing it. Ill explain why later in this post. I dont agree with some or most of the behavior in these shows. I also know that the dynamics shown actually do happen...unfortunately. I have had my gowns ruined by irrational women, my name slandered and lied about, my speeches copied, my children picked on by fellow competitors. However I have been involved with many sporting events too that I have had grown women cuss me out for scoring on them in a soccer game, men underestimate me in a cycling race because Im just a mom, I have even been discounted as a coach for being a beauty queen. My point in all of this is that we are all human and everybody has times in their life they arent proud of. It’s not just in pageants and it’s not just with women. On the flip side I have had some the biggest growth experiences through participating in pageants. I have made some lifelong friends with some of the world’s most amazing women. My best friend of 24 years is pageant girl! As pageant women we learn how important it is to put our best foot forward to give back to our communities and how to show grace under pressure. I wouldnt change my journey for anything! I encourage both of my daughters to participate in reputable pageants as I know that they will learn grace, confidence, public speaking, and how to serve others. They will also be put in sticky situations where they are forced to make a choice on how they choose to react a skill that only gets better and stronger the more you do it. Ok so back to my first paragraph were I wanted to finish telling you why I would even consider doing a reality show. Have you ever watched duck Dynasty? The entire show is based on family, trials, and learning. I believe it is the highest rated reality TV show ever! It is my dream that at some point there will be a show with or without me that shows both sides of pageantry. I want it to show the sisterhood we share! When my son has been in the hospital so many of my fellow competitors rallied together to ease my burden. My pageant sisters have made HUGE impact through platforms and service. I myself hung up my heels and trained for a year to race my bike across America to raise money for Organ Donation in honor of my son. I can promise you there is so many amazing stories of triumph and dreams coming true in the pageant industry that would be so inspirational to America. I know every show needs some drama and I can assure you there will always be hilarious situations in the pageant industry. Lastly I want to make a plea. I know its cheesy and probably will fall on mostly deaf ears but Im going to do it anyway. As women can we please stop publicly ripping each other apart? Can we please stop judging others because they are doing things differently? So what if someone gets plastic surgery or wears hair extensions or spends a lot on a gown or a little on a gown. I have both daughters and sons. I want my boys to know that whoever they choose to bring home I will seek good in and I want my daughters to know that judging and finding fault in their peers is truly a sign of insecurity and in the end only makes them ugly.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:07:54 +0000

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