Ive been asked by Kristi Trahan to share some thing God has done - TopicsExpress


Ive been asked by Kristi Trahan to share some thing God has done in my life. There are so many,but here It goes: Many of you know my older sister penny passed away a very long time ago. Unfortunately I was to young to remember her. Well many years later God gave me a vision of her,and it just so happen at that time I was also struggling with drug addiction. Not many people know this because its not something I am.proud of. I had been home from a detox center about a month. And was having a hard time dealing with every thing, the hurt the guilt the anger the shame for what I had done, As well as learning to live sober. One night after every one was asleep I had just layed down for bed,when i felt some thing at my feet.When I opened my eyes and sat up there she was. So beautiful! She didnt say a word to me,nor I to her. And as quickly as she appeard she was gone. I immediately began to cry and praise God. I know she was letting me know every thing was going to be ok. I have not had a vision of her since Ive been sober. But Im ok with that. Because I will for ever carry her in my heart. In the hard months that followed God restored me,my marriage,my faith,my belief in my self,since then I see a bigger picture. And by Gods everlasting forgivness an love an mercy,I truely can not thank him an praise his name enough! What my family and I went through wasnt easy. There were days where I wanted to just give up. All becauae it was to hard. There were moments where I hated myself. Where I was cold and bitter showed no emotion or regret for what I had done. I was full of shame and pride! My heart was so full of selfishness. The enemy had me so blinded that for awhile I couldnt see what my family was going through. I didnt want to see because then that would have made it real! And I would have to deal with it. I fought it for awhile,and nothing was happening but chaos! Until I decited to let go and let God! Why continue to fight a loosening battle with myself. I was getting no wheres. Finally I had enough an gave in head and heart first. And things started to fall into place. So I knew then as I know now God never fails us,he never leaves us. He is always there waiting and watching for us to make that decision to love him,as he loves us! I know in my heart that God carried me through all of that,an he still carrys me today! Praise God! To whom ever reads this and is going through a trial and you think your all alone an no one understands, Im here to tell you God does! Just let him!!..Give up the fight,just like brother Donnie swaggert told me the fist time I went to church and he did an alter call. He singled me out of a lot of people and said lay your burdens down at the foot of the cross,dont worry about your marriage,dont worry about what people say about you. God is in control and you are sanctified. Woo hallelujah! I still feel that in my bones! Now Im selecting Lana Deche Hendricks to share some thing God has done in your life!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 00:11:56 +0000

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