Ive been at mom and dads tonight. Boy I love them so much! I - TopicsExpress


Ive been at mom and dads tonight. Boy I love them so much! I have a serious prayer request! It is regarding my dad, Dr. James H. Johnson as well as my mom! After flying to Alaska and returning last night I noticed a continued downturn in my dads health. He is really slipping faster and faster. Hard to watch even though we know the best is to come for all believers. I spent quite a bit of time talking with mom tonight and before I left a moment ago we agreed to ask our friends to join us in prayer as we seek Gods will for dad. Some of you know my family well while others of you on here havent even met any of them. So I understand that what I am asking might not resonate the same for each of you but those of you who are close to us already know our heart quite well. Therefore I do not mind putting this post out here for everyone to see. My prayer request is for wisdom, grace and mercy in a time of need. None of us want to put dad in a nursing home, we prefer to tackle the challenges of care taking to the bitter end yet we know it would be very difficult to achieve. Any of you who have been care takers and or are now realize how taxing it is to care for the ones you love. Its not easy! Moving on! As I have recently shared before, dad can no longer preach, lead funerals and or weddings. Dad cannot counsel, visit the sick, pray with the hurting and or teach a Bible study. Dad is sweet as ever but unable to communicate like he once could. He has some good days buy most of them are now turning out to be more and more difficult. We do not know what God has planned for dad, he might live another ten years. Even so, he is getting closer and closer to merely existing. He rarely talks unless we pull it out of him. He is still the sweetest man but so hard to watch someone you love slowly disappear. In other words we are watching dad slowly die. Because I know what lies ahead I am okay with God calling Him home. I have given dad to the Lord just as my mom, my two sisters and brother-in-law have done. I could be selfish and ask the Lord to return dad to his preaching days but I am wise enough to know those days are long gone. So please join us in asking Gods will to be done. If the Lord wants him here for another five or ten years then we will lovingly take care of him but if God calls him home then I will by fine with that too simply because God always knows best. Hard to post something like this but you guys are like family, brothers and sisters in the Lord so I am sharing with you because I know you care. Mom is worn out, she is drained on every front and has cried more days then not. And for the record, I am not complaining. I am blessed and am forever grateful for all the Lord has done over the years for my family and me. Please include the Johnson family in your prayers. It would mean so much to each of us! We want whatever the Lord wants! Love you guys!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:07:01 +0000

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