Ive been best friends with him for about 5 years now. To say that - TopicsExpress


Ive been best friends with him for about 5 years now. To say that were best friends is actually insulting our relationship a bit. Were more like soul mates. I dont believe in that kind of thing, but thats the only way I can describe our relationship. We are pretty much the same person. 3 years ago he aquired this girlfriend of his. At first we got along great...maybe that was because I was drunk whenever we hung out. About 4 months after they got together, I left the country. I worked abroad for 2 years. I got back in Feb this year, and they were still together...the problem is that I cant stand her now. I dont know what changed...maybe I did. Shes just about the most annoying person I know. Shes not very intelligent, and always says stupid things which makes no sense at all! I put a lot of stake in to peoples intelect, and if someone cant even keep up with me in a conversation, I tend to distance myself from them. I know that might not be the best way of doing things, but I dont see the point in fraternizing with someone who you cant even have an inteligent conversation with. There are other things involved as well, of course, but I wont mention them all here. My best friend and I have moved in together a month ago, and I love living with him. The only problem is, shes over here all the time! Our place is really cool, and she lives in a dump, so shes always coming up with some kind of excuse to stay here. I often get home from a hard days work to find her here...making herself comfortable in MY lounge, using MY kitchen, invading MY space. We often end up fighting about the dumbest things, which is so frustrating. The last thing I want when I get home is to deal with ridiculous arguements that couldve been avoided. Just last week, she slept over one night, and she took a shower during the time I usually get ready for work...I was late because of her...that, in my book, is unacceptable! My friend and I often discuss this, and their relationship has pretty much been on the rocks lately, but he just cant let go! Ive really made an effort to get along with her...more so than anyone else (she is pretty much hated by everyone), but Ive just reached my limit...or at least I thought I did. I just told him that Ill give it another try...Ill give her another chance. For one reason only though...because I hate the way things are between me and him right now. It seems like we live right past each other right now. We cant really be in the same room, because the room he is in, usually contains his girlfriend as well. Ill do anthing for him...even though it goes against everything I stand for. I just dont know how long it will last this time. I really dont know what to do. Theres no way Ill be able to tolerate her for the rest of my life, and it doesnt seem like theyre gonna break up soon either. Shes causing problems between the two of us, which is something I thought would never happen. I wish she would just disappear!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:47:42 +0000

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