Ive been biting my tongue on this all week. today I need to vent. - TopicsExpress


Ive been biting my tongue on this all week. today I need to vent. As many of you know my grandmother passed recently. We moved my mother here in May. The hardest part of the move besides the physical work of it was getting her to leave my Nani (my grandmother).. Im a firm believer in that saying Blood doesnt make you family, its those people that stick with you through thick and thin.. Saw a FB post regarding my Nanis funeral.. Im sick over it because that pathetic blood family has gone and done it again.. When my grandfather passed it was hard on everyone, Nani took the brunt of it in losing her soul mate. Where was this amazing family then?? Did they help her in her progressed age fix the home that was falling apart, organize the bills and such, pray with her daily, hold her when need be? Sadly no not as you would think family would that lived with in miles of her. Instead they were too busy with their lives to pay attention to the needs of their mother. My mom and I dont always see eye to eye, but as some of you know she needed to get out of this situation she was in for many reasons, her health being the biggest. My sister who I dont speak to daily gave Bug and I a place to stay while the transition happened, bless her heart for that.. I have an uncle who lived around the corner from my mom, he and his wife would drive by daily, see me dealing with the moving process pregnant even and never stop to offer help, again too busy. Still had time to slowly drive by and watch what was going on, I even waved, but nothing.. My sis and I have had our ups and downs but we made it through moving mom here. Mom is with her this week enjoying time with her and her family. Mom had planned this trip a month before my Nani had passed, they were counting the days and sometimes even hours for this trip to happen. See my mom, no saint by any means would talk with my Nani daily. When she lived a few miles away she would visit daily.. The move was tough for them because even though they were not always giddy when talking on the phone, or when they were together they always knew they had one another.. The blood family that is now playing the saint role in this whole process makes me sick. They took my aunt in, who was living with Nain and helping her daily. Told her she couldnt talk to my mom or she would have to find a place to live. Childish, get over yourself jerks. Hasnt been one bit of nice in sharing anything with my mom over this whole thing, didnt bother to include her in the funeral plans. To be honest I didnt even get a call.. Yet its being posted for the world to see.. Here is your pat on the back blood family.. I feel that this needs to be said sadly in public forum because I know It will be seen at some point through the grapevine.. Blah Blah.. Im sickened by the way this blood family has supposedly come together over this loss. My mom is suffering and seeing the way she is being treated makes me ill. I know we are all suffering, but where the hell were all of you ass holes when Nani was crying and losing her mind daily after Tatas? You took what you needed and stopped coming around. You couldnt handle her house, etcetera, blah blah.. She needed you all and nothing. She is gone from this earth now and as usual you swoop in and play the saint. This goes for ALL BUT MY SISTER AND HER lil FAM, my GRAMS AND GRAMPS, you are dead to me. You are no longer a people Id want to call family. When this message gets to you all of you, you will know its meant for you.. Keith and I would have loved to have been included, Kaleb as well. I may not have been over everyday but Nani and I had our chats we had our moment even up unit just before she passed. How dare you dictate who can and cant be a part of something like this, or who can associate with whom in the family... Im sick over this, it has been boiling inside since her passing and long before. Seeing all the bullshit posts about how wonderful this family member is and that. Lets go clean her house and pack her memories, salvage family heirlooms. Really, again where were you when she needed this help kind of help daily? I feel for my mom, she is broken over this, she was doing all she could from here daily. She was trying to physically be there even up until the minute we pulled away in the moving truck. It tore her up leaving and the day we left she cried saying Nani wasnt going to make it for too long if the family didnt start coming around.. Well there you go.. You are all there now, but where is Nani? Thank the Lord she is finally at peace, reunited with my grandfather, and with her heavenly father. R.I.P. Nani and Tata, you gave me soo many amazing, wonderful, silly, loving memories I will forever hold in my heart. Im glad you are no longer suffering and that you are together finally at last. Im sad that our family is as pathetic as it is and we couldnt come together to be a better example of love and togetherness you showed us. It is my promise to you that the love and memories you made with me, my boys, my mom and sister will be passed on to Gwenevere and held close. Ive been looking through albums and photo boxes during all these moves, you and Tata brought so much light to our lives in many ways. Im so very grateful we had you for the time we did. Not to worry I will take care of your girl, even through the rough times. I will not promise to keep in contact with any of the others. Aimee her lil family , momma, my grams and gramps are all the blood family I have left there.. I have friends in Ive made in life many in California that I would give the clothes off my back or the food from my plate if it would help them. It makes me feel bad when my own family is not part of that group. Im done, Ive said all I have and wont take it back. Im tired of watching this family fall to crap, so Im walking away with a hole in my heart. I need to focus on the things and people that are most important. My boys, Gweny, and Mom.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:12:26 +0000

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