Ive been busy wintersowing and this is my first year! I am in zone - TopicsExpress


Ive been busy wintersowing and this is my first year! I am in zone 5a, and a little concerned! We are going through a warm spell where its in the upper 50s-60s but at night is in the 30s or below. Should I move them some where colder like the north side of the house? Or am I just freaking out over nothing!? Here is what I have planted so far -Maltese Cross -Dicentra eximia -Shasta Daisy Crazy Daisy -Verbena Bonariensis -Dicentra spectabilis -Butterfly weed(Asclepias) -William Guiness columbine -Soapwort -Shasta Daisy Exhibition -Shasta Daisy Silver Princess -Shasta Daisy Snow lady -Swamp Milkweed Soulmate -Swamp Milkweed Ice Ballet -Russells Lupine -Purple Coneflower -Syria Milkweed -Showy Milkweed -Sand Milkweed -Yellow columbine -White rose Campion -Pink rose Campion -Black eye Susan I am not even close to getting all of the seeds planted, and I still have to plant some tender seeds indoors such as tomatoes and petunias. Thank you everyone for all the information I have learned It has definitely helped me out tremendously! I am planting as many different kinds of milkweeds for the Monarch Butterflys, as their numbers are declining rapidly. So Im trying to help out as much as I can by providing the plants they eat from and lay their eggs on.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:47:02 +0000

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