Ive been dating four different men simultaneously for the past few - TopicsExpress


Ive been dating four different men simultaneously for the past few weeks. Don’t ask me the details, but I will tell you that the weeks of multiple dating have been the most thrilling in my young life. Serial dating is something I would highly recommend. You see, it is better to cast one’s net far and wide, weigh the options rather than drive yourself crazy over one lousy guy or woman. For me it worked. It was exhilarating, but even after dating all these men, I still cannot settle on one because they are all top-grade, high-pedigree and cultured. And this is where you come in; I have profiled all the four men below and I would like you to tell me who befits me The sophisticated lawyer: ___________________________ Let us call him Ken. Ken is 37-years-old and separated from his wife of nine years with whom they have a seven-year-old daughter. I met Ken in a new church I was sampling the other day. Ken is a partner in a high-profile law firm. There is no doubt Ken is rolling in serious cash. His sophistication is evident in his expensive suits and designer shoes. He is six-feet two inches tall, smells like heaven and keeps his jet-black hair short and neat. He has a small pot belly which I can see disappearing as soon as I convince him to sign up for the gym. Ken’s idea of fun is playing golf on weekend afternoons and thereafter down nyama choma with his golfing buddies. He is not a heavy drinker, a few shots of Johnnie Walker Red Label works for him. Yes, red not black label. Ken is not a bad catch. On the third date; he showed me the new house he is putting up along Kiambu Road. It is two-storied and has a kitchen the size of my apartment. Ken has connections with top litigators and other legal eagles like him. He also has several contacts in the corporate world. But remember every ‘perfect’ man has a flaw. So what’s Ken’s turn-offs? His accent. I know this is a trivial thing, something that I should not even consider, given how handsome and attractive he is. But it bothers me that it has been 19 years since Ken landed in Nairobi, yet he always tells me, ‘Shera…ret’s go pray goff!” (Sheila, Let’s go play golf) The reserved senior bachelor: _______________________________ I will call him Steve. Steve is 44years-old and single. Yes! Never married, no children, no baby-mama drama. He is the dream man. I met Steve at a party about six months ago and I ignored him at first because I thought he was married. Many of my friends who know him suspect he is a playboy. I mean, why else would a man be 44 and not married? When I discovered that he was not married, I agreed to go on a date with him because I thought I had nothing to lose. Steve is wealthy. He is a businessman and has invested heavily in real-estate. He is six-feet, three inches tall, loves to dress casual but stylish and has a potbelly which again, I am sure I can tackle once I draw up an exercise regime for him. On the second date, Steve told me bluntly that he is looking for a wife and asked if I wanted to get serious. I changed the subject to the World Cup but I think he got the hint that I just want to date, no permanent bondage. Steve is as generous and humble as a man can get. He spends most of his weekends doing charity work. Steve can make a great husband, he loves children and guess what, he is a great cook too. He has cooked for me not once, not twice, but thrice in his house; all different dishes, done really well. If you think Steve is the right man for me, please think twice before I tell you his buts. What if I told you Steve is the most reserved man I have ever met and that his only idea of fun is visiting his ranch in Laikipia? The adventurous charmer: _________________ i will him Raymond. I met Raymond in his office one day when I interviewed him for an article. Raymond is a charmer; he is great company, he is funny and extremely intelligent. In fact, Raymond is more interesting than Steve and Ken and all the others put together. There is never a dull moment with Raymond. The first time I met him, I knew I wanted to go on a date with him. On the first date, he surprised me when we went to Nanyuki for lunch and drove back in the evening. It was the shortest day of my life. I never laughed so hard and enjoyed a man’s company so much. Because he is adventurous and loves to discover new things, I feel like he is my twin. He is 39, six feet, two inches tall and he is the gentlest man I have ever met. To be honest, I look forward to more dates with Raymond, more than any other man. Like I said, every seemingly perfect man has a flaw. So what’s Raymond’s? Turns out he forgot to mention that he is married and a father of three. I was vexed that he hid the truth from me but it was a case of too little, too late. I was already hooked. While I understand that Raymond will never leave his wife and has nothing much to offer me save for a good time and exotic dates. He understands and has brought himself to accept the fact that I am a young single girl who has to cast her net far and wide and one day, I will stop picking his calls because I have found ‘the one’. The truth is, I cannot imagine my life without seeing Raymond. The average Joe: ____ His name is Fred. Fred is 34 and doing quite well for himself. He is ambitious, smart, focused and God-fearing. I met Fred on a parking lot at Sarit Centre. Fred is an engineer with a local firm and imports vehicles as a side hustle. He is neither rich nor wealthy, but my judgement shows that he has prospects of doing really well. He never misses church on Sundays, rarely drinks and never smokes. He lives on a rented apartment along Riverside Drive but he says he has plans to build a home in Syokimau, where he has bought land. I have met his friends and they are as ambitious and level-headed as him. On the first date, we had coffee and it was nothing out of the ordinary. He dresses okay, nothing special. So what is Fred’s turn-off? He is an average guy and I don’t want to settle for average because I don’t want an average husband with average kids living an average life in an average estate. There is hardly any spark in him and I forget to reply his texts. Fred does not have any ‘wow’ factor like Raymond, Steve or Ken, but he is the kind of guy my father would approve of. There you have it dear readers. Those are the four lucky guys who have made it to the shortlist. Whom do you think deserves me ?ee
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 07:36:18 +0000

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