Ive been debating with myself on whether to put this out there or - TopicsExpress


Ive been debating with myself on whether to put this out there or how to do it, sometimes I guess just have to do it. This will be kinda long winded so please be patuent with me. For one thing #1 I dont want to see anyone get injured, #2, I dont want to see anyone getting in trouble. So here goes anyhow. There are alot of eyes and ears out there watching over our school, more now than there has been in a long time. Law enforcement and concerned citizens. There was something happening Saturday night that elevated our already steady watch over the premises, that did happen. Some out of town kids showed up around 10pm to see what they had heard was a old haunted building. Luckily we caught them before they had a chance to get inside the building, which of course they said they werent going inside. They were given a stern talking to, and a official trespass warning, which means if theyre caught on the premises again, they go straight to jail. There were several people that got stopped that night on schoolhouse hill, if you were one of those, we appologize, but please understand what was happening. Pass the word that if someone gets inside the school, there are some places in there that if you walk in the wrong place, you could fall through the floor and land 15-20 feet down, could be severe injuries. Also, once construction starts, and youre caught tresspassig, especially with intent to vandelize, because of the money level being spent to restore, charges will elevate to a felony charge. Most people are just curious and enjoy seeing her being brought back to life, and please dont take this as the place is going into lockdown, but there are still vandals out there that we have to keep an eye out for. Its not a safe place to just go strolling through right now. If anyone sees anything suspicious going on, please call me, Randy carroll, police dept, whoever you feel comfortable calling. This is going to be a wonderful venture coming to this great building, for kids now, grownups, and future kids. I cant thank the ones that are working and supporting this project and love for our school, either from here now, or in the past and have moved away, but still keep in touch and deliver kind and supportive words. Sorry if this offended anyone, but I felt if I didnt say something, and someone got hurt or in trouble, I didnt do that person justice by letting them know. Please spread the word!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:05:52 +0000

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