Ive been digesting the news I got last night and I wanted to wait - TopicsExpress


Ive been digesting the news I got last night and I wanted to wait a bit to write this... brittany newcomb was an amazing and beautiful human being. I only met her briefly, but when I spoke to her, I could tell how awesome she truly was. I pride myself on being a good judge of character, and in knowing a real, genuine, caring individual when I see one. She had such a positive outlook on things and her energy was one that could positively change the mood of an entire room. People like that come few and far between, and I will never forget her for that reason. My heart is heavy for my town today. For all of my friends, all of her friends and her family who are suffering this great loss we have been tasked to bear, Id like to say this: I learned a long time ago that its ok to be sad, and its ok to mourn. Its ok to cry, and its ok to scream to the skies at the top of your lungs. Do whatever you need to do for yourself. If you open your mind up enough to believe, you will see in her different places and things as your life goes on. You will see a flower and remember that time she wore one. You will see a bird sitting outside your window staring in. A dragon fly will land on you and tell you that everything is ok. You will find your own ways to see her, and it is those moments that you will find a peace like no other. Im lucky to have known a small piece of her. Those of you who held her dearest were handpicked by a higher power beyond this earth to enjoy such a blessing in your lives. Believe that. The lesson here is that were all here on borrowed time. No one knows when their time, or their loved ones times will be. Forget about the cliche Hallmark card sayings, or inspirational internet meme quotes. Cherish every minute youre given. Love everyone as much as you can and dont waste another second of your life thinking about negative shit. Its too short to not enjoy every minute of it. Courtney Newcomb... I dont believe I have actually met you, and I cant begin to pretend that I know the slightest fraction of what youre going through and how youre feeling right now. I hope that seeing all of the positive impact your sister left on this world, and being surrounded by so many amazing and loving people will help you get through this a little easier. Im always here if you need someone to talk to. I promise that.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:52:25 +0000

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