Ive been doing some cleaning and found a stack of old papers, - TopicsExpress


Ive been doing some cleaning and found a stack of old papers, including the letters that people sent to me in jail. Thanks again, these three years later, for the caring words. Melody Gutierrez, Stacey Carter, Josh Vernon(and Olivia), Enoc Ananda Pardue, Margaret Rehder, Jessica Tipsord, and Caitlin Kauffman. I love all of you. Thanks also, to those who didnt write but had me in their thoughts/prayers during that time. It has been a long and arduous process letting go of all the residual negative energy from that experience. The recent newspaper articles did help. Everything happens for a reason. The importance of lessons - like seeing your lifes manifestations as extensions of your own state of consciousness, and learning to tap into gratitude, even for things that would never seem to deserve it - sometimes requires undesirable experiences in order to be faced. There is far more to be gained from learning in a positive way than from going through the rest of life with anger. So much of my life before that experience was dedicated to focusing on how the system was out to get us all - and as it is infinitely good at doing, the Universe came in and filled that space by giving me something huge to validate that kind of focus. All I was really doing was externalizing the focus for everything I did not like about myself. You are one with all of this stuff going on around you. The conflict in the world is an extension of the conflict within you. We can hunt down devils all day, but until we illuminate the demons we carry within us, the hunt will never be over. And when we find them within ourselves, the answer is not to turn against them, but rather, to exercise compassion, kindness and forgiveness towards ourselves, which almost inevitably dissolves the power those negative thought-forms have over us. We are ALL made of darkness AND of Light... and we would do well to stop pretending otherwise. I could go on sharing thoughts about all this for pages, but for now Ill leave it at that.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:18:03 +0000

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