Ive been drafting a letter. Any comments gratefully received BBC - TopicsExpress


Ive been drafting a letter. Any comments gratefully received BBC Complaints PO Box 1922 Darlington DL3 0UR Dear Sir/Madam, UK General election party leaders debates 2015 I wish to make a complaint about the proposed content/ participation in the party leaders debates. I strongly object to the selection of participants, and the exclusion of others. The election is UK-wide. Scotland is still in the UK and I am amazed that the biggest political party and the party of government in Scotland, the SNP is not being included in the debate. Further, the Greens have as much representation at Westminster at present as UKIP, and there does not seem to be any plan to include them in the debate either. I note also that no representative of Welsh or Northern Irish parties is envisaged. Many of us in Scotland have become very sensitive to the way in which we are overlooked, misinterpreted and sidelined in the national news coverage, both in broadcast and print media. You seem to be oblivious of the strong feelings here, as evidenced by the arrangements for the election of 2015. I am not a member of any political party. I view with deep concern the way in which your programmes are biased towards UKIP which is spreading a message of hatred and fear throughout England. I have tried to understand what might be motivating you, and can only conclude that top decision makers either support UKIP or are fascinated like rabbits in their headlights. I would be grateful for an explanation of your coverage. And I would also ask you to reconsider the line-up of the party leaders debates, which at present do not seem to respect your duty as a public service broadcaster for impartiality
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:00:49 +0000

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