Ive been following posts on this page since yesterday.. I joined - TopicsExpress


Ive been following posts on this page since yesterday.. I joined thinking it was as it says, Say No to independence..so yea im a No voter, ive watched us being pounced on by the same handfull of people asking for reasons why, I love being Scottish and im proud of my country, but im also very much for us to stay part of the UK..Its a big bad world out there and at the moment, we stand stronger as a United Kingdom..I want to keep the pound, I dont want to have to have a passport to take my kids to England on holiday..I dont like Alex Salmond, hes just a wee man on a big power trip..what happens when we get rid of Trident and the Russians decide to invade, do we pick up our sticks and stones to warn them off our shores? Now im always passionate when I watch Braveheart too but times have moved on..we have freedom! We have our own identity, we are Scotland..we just work better as a union! Were not run by the English..i believe we work together, our country isnt perfect and theres lots that needs fixed but why Scotland being independant is the answer baffles me and if im honest, it scares me! Ive read things from both sides and im still saying No..as is my partner and if my daughter was a year older she would be a nay too, totally her own choice, id also like to point out that I dont agree that 16 year olds should be allowed to vote, their not responsible enough to make such decisions.. one that effects a whole country with a head full of Braveheart?..hmm no thanks! better the devil you know than the devil you dont, Better together! :) I expect like others that have aired their views, I will now be kicked from the page, so laters peps..VOTE NO!!!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:33:14 +0000

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