Ive been giventhe word to go ahead and let his friends know whats - TopicsExpress


Ive been giventhe word to go ahead and let his friends know whats going onwith our uncle,Jerry Donnelly ,as you may or may not of known,Jerry was on the heart transplant list for a long time,well,in this seasonof giving Jerry was given the greatest gift of them all,the gift of life.Jerry was the grateful recipient of a new heart,I can tell you he is well and recovering,but you know our Jerry is a very private person,so I ask you to respect he,and his families privacy by not badgering them at this most joyous of seasons,but instead lets bow our heads in prayer for a moment in order to thank Sweet Jesus for giving our precios friend a new lease on life,lets also pray for the family and friends of the donor,who without ,we wouldnt be celebrating today for Jerry s speedy recovery.....this truely,truely is the season of miracles and if you dont believe it,therein lies the results of the Lords inner workings.......So join with me now in wishing Jerry a speedy recovery and a most happy and joyous holiday season........thats all I can tell you for now but,I will give you more information as it becomes available(hey jerry I hope all my punctuations were good,cause I wanted this to be my best ever post,and hope I nailed it......so in the words of C.Dickens character Tiny Tim.....God Bless Us...God Bless Us All,each and everyone :-)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:00:01 +0000

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