Ive been inboxed by a number of people over a Post written by one - TopicsExpress


Ive been inboxed by a number of people over a Post written by one group called Chipolopolo Die Hards over a discussion we had on their page. Suprisingly the Page has gone onto dedicate a Whole post on me, I commented as a simple Nkana fan, so its suprising that they can dedicate an entire post over an individuals comment. Ideally Id never even bother to respond to such a post, But thats not what has made me reply. What has actually made me write this post is that the same Page then decided to Copy and Paste our conversation has conviniently left out large parts of what I wrote and then have deleted the original Conversation so that no one can read the actual conversation and lastly blocked me from their page. The main issue here is that firstly one can not post something about a private individual, ommiting key parts of the Conversation and then block the individual from commenting on the page. One would wonder why anyone would do that. Chipolopolo have shown high levels of immaturity, if there is an issue its best to adress someone via inbox like civilised people. I wont go into detail with what was talked about because its largely not important. But in Brief, CDH ( Chipolopolo DieHards) posted that Nkana FC striker Ronald Sate Sate Kampamba was a target of Orlando Pirates. Ironically that same day I had talked with some Nkana officials about Nkana FC players who were subject to stransfer speculation on an article Im preparing. We discussed Sate Sate among other Nkana players and was told that Pirates and Nkana have no agreement over the player. CDH had stated that Orlando Pirates and Nkana were in talks, when I questioned them over why CDH was lying CDH then went on to block me and conviniently write a Completely new Doctored Post of our Conversation. If not for the number of people who inboxed me I would have never known about the post. Another person who tagged me in the same post had their comment deleted by CDH. Ive always repected CDH, its a page whose admins are football enthusiasts and Football Agents/Scouts but Ba CDH, please stop being childish by making a Topic of an individual on your page simply because you dont agree with them me, we can all agree that we all free to say what we want. Right now we could all really think about what CDHs real motives are for editing and doctoring someones viewspoints. Another Concern is using a page to attack individuals who are giving their own personal views on a subject. We are all private individuals so CDH please continue your work but stop posting views of private individuals, one may not know your motives but show some maturity.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:55:09 +0000

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