Ive been listening to a judicial hearing (which is on a break for - TopicsExpress


Ive been listening to a judicial hearing (which is on a break for about 30 minutes.). This is my opinion of what Ive heard so far. For those who missed my link it is the hearing called: An Administration Made Disaster: The South Texas Border Surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors. As much as Im finding this informative part of me wishes it wasnt aired. Im sure cartels, smugglers and aliens are watching to use information to their advantage. We do not need immigration reform or amnesty. We need to enforce laws on the books, build our fence and deport illegals. Im so tired of the use and abuse of the word CRISIS used by obama, our corrupt admin and RINOs to create fear and urgency to pass what shouldnt be passed. Crisis is created to overwhelm the system. I find it interesting the correlation of the influx of those from Central America and the CATCH AND RELEASE program. Coincidence? Highly doubtful. The influx is all calculated to overwhelm the system. Yes I agree our border patrol is being pulled away and their resources are being stretch by the location of crossing as stated in testimony. Furthermore they are becoming baby sitters having their hands tied to enforce our laws on the books. obama and our corrupt admin has helped to tie their hands. One person said gang members wont turn themselves in? That was speculation at best, but sounded as fact. If I was a gang member, terrorist, cartel member, etc. Id do my best to blend in. Its appalling that part of the testimony said the obama admin has rubber stamped asylum for approx. 92% of all refugees. Thats huge on top of the amnesty he gave to dreamers. Yes he is overwhelming America and bypass immigration laws. The Bishop says its a moral issue. I agree to the point these aliens are human beings, but we need to stop there. I agree we need prayer, but we dont need violins. Stop with the blind sympathy that will aid in Americas destruction and deport. Without borders we will no longer be America. Send them back, not welcome them with open arms. Notice to Appear (NTA) is a joke. As they said only about 1,8K-2k will appear, but most will not. What about disease? Hopefully that will be brought up when the hearing resumes. judiciary.house.gov/index.cfm/2014/6/hearing-an-administration-made-disaster
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 20:23:41 +0000

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