Ive been married to a cop for almost 10 years. And that man, Tommy - TopicsExpress


Ive been married to a cop for almost 10 years. And that man, Tommy Uhlis, has been nothing but a blessing to my life. But I will tell you one thing right now... If my husband were ever presented with a situation like the one in Ferguson right now, I know he would be as brave as officer Wilson who feared for his life. You see, while most people Monday morning quarterback the way a cop does his job they tend to forget that they do know how to react to keep everyone safe including themselves. There will never be a color of skin or a gender that Tommy would target. You are either a threat or not a threat. End of story! Crime is crime and Tommy is charged with the duty of handling that crime. This should NOT be a national issue! I want to send a huge middle finger to Eric Holder and the President for stepping into this situation with little knowledge, claiming the damnation of Officer Wilson and race baiting everyone from st.louis to Alaska! My husband and other police/fire families would not be working with no days off and 12 hour shifts if your indictment crusade would have actually entertained facts rather than sensationalism. You can disagree with me about the outcome but the truth came out today with every microscopic eye and ear across America watching. Including the Whitehouse!! I cannot wait for order to be restored and my St. Louis family to feel safe. Tommy I will make sure this is the best Thanksgiving meal ever even if you arent home until really late:) APD~ I love you guys... Please stay safe.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:25:26 +0000

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