Ive been nominated for the ten books challenge by Komal. So here - TopicsExpress


Ive been nominated for the ten books challenge by Komal. So here goes: The 10 books that have had a lasting impact on me and have been with me ever since I read them in no particular order are: 1: Catch 22 2: To Kill A Mockingbird 3: Catcher in the Rye (the above three were the easiest to name off the top of my head) 4: The Five People You Meet In Heaven 5: A Fire Upon the Deep and A Deepness in the Sky (#5 are two sci-fi novels that first exposed me to sci-fi beyond the normal mainstream hyperdrive tachyon particles slipspace rupture pishposh that you see these days) 6: Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl childrens books (The first books I ever picked up were Secret Seven, Famous Five, Mathilda, The Big Friendly Giant and the like. They made me want to be a writer when i was a wee lad. Cant imagine growing up not learning the lessons taught in these.) 7: Charlie Brown and Snoopy (I dont even know how to describe this thing. Simple comic strips bound in paperback form, cartons of which were found by me and Komal when we first shifted houses. We just sat our asses down and kept reading. I still dont understand how something so simple can be so profound.) 8: Berserk (Okay, so this is a Manga, but its still technically a book, and a masterpiece, as any manga enthusiast will tell you. Symbolism, Fate, Destiny, Faith, Fanaticism, Rape, Genocide, Camaraderie, Betrayal, Love. Berserks got it all.) 9: The Innocent Man (I dont read a lot of non-fiction okay? But I still really liked The Innocent Man by John Grisham.) 10: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (This book was fascinating. It was so strange and enlightening to see how an autistic child views and perceives the world. The story of a special needs child who finds out that his father has killed the neighbors dog and cant deal with it.) Note: I didnt wanna put down LotR and Harry potter since every tom dick and harry seems to be including that; and honestly, they didnt have that big an impact on me. Nominating Parvez Hamid Sarmad Tariq and Mohammad Farooq
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:24:38 +0000

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