Ive been observing and I think most of the problems we come - TopicsExpress


Ive been observing and I think most of the problems we come across everyday as people dont just happen on us, most are not unexpected developments, they are challenges that most often than not, we know will eventually surface but for no apparent reason we leave it till its too late. For example, many of us today do know that sooner or later some financial obligations and requirements will fall due; we know we shall be spending some money soon, yet we do nothing about making provision till its too late. For example, a colleague was telling me about a relative who suddenly showed up in their house asking for financial assistance regarding his wife whom had just put to be in a hospital. This new father had no money at all. He couldnt pay the hospital bills, couldnt buy the medications, in fact all the essentials required for the birth of a new baby, including the towel, olive oil, dippers, medicated powder, bathing soap, flask for warm water everything was not on ground. The about-to -deliver wife went to the hospital on the day of delivery as though she was paying a visit. There was nothing at all on ground. So, the husband, looking morose went about friends and relatives begging for financial support on the day of delivery. I was amazed; the birth of a new baby would at least give the parents nine months’ notice! How come nothing was on ground? Well, its one thing to have put some money away thinking it would be sufficient, and then complications may arise that would require spending more than budgeted for; that I can understand but with normal birth, I dont think there should be any excuse, its simply unacceptable. Around this time last year someone I know came to me for help regarding school fees for his three children in primary school. The rule in the school is, every first term, school fees must be paid on the day of resumption if not, the children would not be issued books and other essential learning aids. Of course I also needed to pay my own childrens school fees then, and I found it rather absurd hell assume I have so much to pay for all my children and all his children as well. More embarrassing was the fact that he and his whole family had just returned from a two weeks summer vacation from the UK. So, in his opinion and judgment, going on summer vacation was more important than paying for the childrens education. I couldnt help him. Also lately, a young man I know rushed to my office saying he was in dire need of my support. His land lady that day was throwing out his things from his two room apartment somewhere in Lagos. He owed rent and according to him, she wasnt willing to extend his season of grace. So, he wanted some money from me to pay her so that she would change her mind about forcefully evicting him. So, I asked for the Landladys phone number and spoke to her, apparently hes owed for close to eight months and the total value was about eighty four thousand naira. I pleaded with this landlady but she wouldnt listen, her stand was, he must at least pay something for him to retain the apartment. Then she said something that struck me, she said, everyday hell be changing clothes and shoes and bringing home different girls yet, he cant pay his rent. Just then I remembered about a week earlier, I saw this boy with a brand new I pad that cost him well over a hundred thousand naira, and standing right there in my presence, he was holding two smart phones each costing over sixty thousand naira. I was disappointed. I didnt give him any money I simply asked him to sell his new IPad and pay his rent. Of course many of us are very aware of the future. We know we are growing, our kids are growing, our responsibilities and bills are naturally growing. Weve been in this world and this country long enough to know that maintaining your current level of purchasing power means your income must grow in tandem with the inflation rate. Being comfortable financially of course is also beyond just sustaining your purchasing power at the prevailing inflation rate, it will require increasing your inflow to accommodate new responsibilities and higher bills. For example as your children get older they will eat more per occasion than before, the cost of education in primary school will naturally be lower than secondary and tertiary institutions. And of course, youll need a bigger house with time. That brand new car one day will become old, those new clothes will become worn, your health will naturally be challenged with age, your energy level will suffer depletion and one day, youll be retired. It is life! Our greatest challenge as mankind is the choice to push out of our minds these realities. We dont want to think about them, we dont want to plan against them, we see people fall into these pits and dilemma because they refused doing anything about it yet we dont learn or get wisdom from the experience of others till we fall into the same situation; till we fall into the same pit. You know your current qualification and capacity cant get you past a particular grade level in your organization, yet you do nothing about it till its too late. You know your communication skills arent that impressive and could affect your career progression yet, you do nothing about it. You know your lack of knowledge in computer usage is affecting your job quality and efficiency, yet you do nothing about it. You know your attitude to work, attitude to colleagues, attitude to customers, your boss and everyone would one day cost you, yet you wouldnt change your ways. Its amazing how much we hate to face our realities and deal with our issues; we keep spiritualizing everything and blaming others and the enemy for the consequences of our inaction in addressing matters sure to arise. You work for an organization where your salary is relatively low and irregular. Yet you go on ahead to impregnate your wife for a third child knowing your wife is a full time housewife. Youve refused to quit that organization or consider other means of up scaling your cash inflow. You cover your carelessness under the guise of Gods blessings, at the end of tit all, you begin to steal from your employers to make ends meet. Hmmm. In my summation I believe there are three fundamental reasons why we dont anticipate and deal with issues before they fall due. We dont know how? Every day I hear many people lament over their jobs, their income, their living standards and life quality; expressing fear and anxiety over these situations yet not knowing what to do. Its either theyre ignorant about how to deal with the matter or they think the solution does not lie with them. There are many people who today believe their situations and living standards can never improve except the economy improves. They believe a good life is only possible if the leaders of the nation decide to hand prosperity down to the masses. They have totally yielded their lives and charge over to the leaders of the nation; hence they believe the solution can never come from within them. They have closed their minds to thinking solutions, they hold the government hundred percent responsible. How sad. 2. Lack of natural will Many today know their problems, their challenges and know very soon they will be in crisis but they just lack that will to get up and do something about it. I know a man with a wife and three kids, living at Ikorodu in Lagos and working at Apapa location quite far from his abode also in Lagos, recently he approached my driver for financial assistance cause according to him; hes been owed nine moths salary by his employers, so he wants to borrow transportation fare for that week from my driver. My driver confirmed that its true hes not been paid for that long so the question is why still work for such an organization. Lack in natural will to make a change. 3. Perception management. Many people today in reality cannot truly afford their current lifestyle as they appear. Many buy so many things on credit, they owe people, owe financial institutions and even their employers. They owe their landlords; they owe school fees and many people who come to sell stuff at their offices. They dont even eat that well. Yet they keep investing money in visible articles of value to give the impression they are doing well. They wear expensive shoes, expensive clothes and jewelries, drive expensive cars and live in expensive neighborhoods, but permanently, their bank balance is sub-zero. They live this way because theyre overly concerned about how people see them, rate them and relate with them, theyre desperate on impressing. Dear friend, if you choose to deal with your challenges long before its due, you will be a happier person. Your mind will be at peace and your confidence and self- esteem will soar. What is that thing you know you have to deal with today if not, would bring you down tomorrow? Deal with it today, not when youre already in the pit. Enjoy your day. Comments @gpilot
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:25:58 +0000

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