Ive been over all the life stuff before. But I hope everyone - TopicsExpress


Ive been over all the life stuff before. But I hope everyone succeeds and never gives up. Dont be like me. Love your life and work for a better one. I gave up on mine. Dont do the same. Set goals for yourselves and dont be lazy or let anyone keep you from reaching them. If you learn anything from this let it be to fight for what you want and need. No matter how challenging or stressful it gets. Dont let people get In your way or worry about what people think of you. Know that what you do now affects what you will have and who you will be in the future. One thing I learned is that you can avoid a problem and feel safe for the moment and let that rule over your life and your future. Or face the problem and It will not be easy but you will then have control over your life and have a good future to look forward to. Its better to work through a challenge and know that what your doing is giving you a chance at a great life. Than to hide from the problem feeling comfortable but at the same time sitting alone knowing you never fought for a future and will never have one. Work hard now and enjoy the rest of your life. Or relax now and spend the rest of your life never being able to rest. Hopefully your on the right track already but if not please listen to these words. People have tried to tell me over and over and over again. I listened but never took the advice even when I knew it was the right thing to do. Dont do what I did. Take the advice and dont be lazy. You can rest later. Now I have to try and fix my shit so maybe just maybe I can at least have a shot at a good life and finally make people proud and earn some respect. I dont want my personal stuff on here so no comments please. Thank you and goodnight.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 08:22:19 +0000

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