Ive been pondering on some thoughts the past few days and I would - TopicsExpress


Ive been pondering on some thoughts the past few days and I would like to share them with you. I know that we are all so busy in the hustle and bustle of life and we are all so consumed in our own lives and our own issues that we sometimes dont realize that there are people all around us who are suffering. Our situation with Jake has caused me to have a whole new outlook on life and I literally see life through new eyes. I have realized that life can change literally in an instant and life thereafter will never be the same. We are all subject to this happening and no one is an exception. Acts 10:34 says that God shows no favoritism. That means that bad things happen to bad and good people alike. We never expect bad things to happen but when they do, we are faced with the decision of how to handle our new circumstances. We can choose to follow God and trust in Him or we can choose to turn our back and do things our own way. We never think that our children are going to have disabilities or severe health problems, we just expect them to be healthy. We never expect that we will be the one who gets diagnosed with a severe or debilitating illness at an early age, but it happens every single day. We think that those kind of things will ever happen to me but then they do. Thats when we must choose which path to follow. We may not understand why God allows pain and trials in our life but we must trust in Him and know that He is in control of our situation. Proverbs 3:5 says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. You can not begin to imagine what it feels like to watch your child suffer right in front of you and not be able to do anything to stop it. To watch them completely regress back to a newborn state and lose every ability they have, unable to cry, make a sound or move any part of their body. The pain I have as his mother is almost unbearable but theres a song by Hillsong that says you are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need. Im here to tell you that no matter your circumstances, God is here for you and He can help you if you allow Him to. The first 2 pictures are Jake 3 months ago and the other 2 are him now. I can tell you that I dont know why God has allowed this to happen but I trust the Lord and I know He has a plan. We didnt choose this journey, it chose us but regardless of why, we will glorify the Lord.I want you to consider this, if tomorrow your world is turned upside down, which path will you choose, to turn to God or away from God? I encourage you today no matter what your circumstances or trials are, lean on God and let Him be your strength.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:33:21 +0000

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