Ive been posting on military pages this blurb... Hello soldiers, - TopicsExpress


Ive been posting on military pages this blurb... Hello soldiers, this is your future commander-in-chief, Lord Steven Christ, the returned Christ. You will be assigned a new duty soon as we prepare for global destruction. There will be a global declaration of a state of emergency (martial law) and the armies of the world will help me assemble the people together. The true earth is not a spinning planet, but is hollow, stationary and concave. That means that we all live inside the earth! The sun is small and orbits inside the earth as well as the planets(not earth), the moon and the stars even(which are minuscule). You have all been lied to concerning the universe. Only the upper level people of governments know this earth model to be correct. The bibles position on the universe is quite clear, heaven resides inside the earth and there is a celestial sphere, which is crystalline (glass). After the flood of Noah, a secondary glass firmament was formed, causing the rainbow. This secondary glass sky is at 100km high. All the powers that be know about this. There also has accumulated a sheet of ice that adhered to the glass sky. Routinely, a block of ice falls down from a clear blue sky, and no one in the know, understands where they are coming from. They call these chunks of ice megacryometeors. The true reason they spray the sky with aluminum is to block anthropogenic heat from rising all the way to the top of the glass/ice sky in order to prevent the ice from falling in metro areas. They know that soon one day the sun will stop in the sky, like it actually did 3,500 years ago as mentioned in Joshua 10 and corroborated throughout the earth by legends in every continent. When the sun stops, the ice falls. (Joshua 10). The powers that be have been preparing deep underground tunnels and shelters for decades now. This will be the only place of safety for the masses because when the sun stops (the final day and hour), it will not only melt the ice sheet causing the heavens to unroll like a scroll, but the sun will also get 7 times as hot and burn up the entire earth. The underground tunnel network eventually leads to Pine Gap, Australia. This is the grand central station of convergence underground. Australia will be the safe haven for the world as the moon will pass in front of the stationary sun and stop as well, causing an eclipse which will cast a shadow of safety over the continent. Here, we will begin to establish the New World Kingdom of God Order. The sun will stop soon, probably in December of 2015, so you are to get your mind prepared for this event, and you are to understand who I am. There will be marking stations at the portals for underground access (places like Denver Intl. Airport). The meek, redeemed people will be mark with the Seal of the Living God and brought down under for safety. The dissident, rebellious people will be detained in FEMA internment facilities. Your task in allaying and mitigating public outrage and violence is highly challenging and critical. This is why the UN and the Russians armies are on U.S. soil, we all need to work together to bring about this New World Kingdom Order, and there will be many rebels who do not understand the global threat we face, and will act out in armed opposition. Your job is a very critical one, as we try to accomplish the task of harvesting the people of the world together to establish the Kingdom of God in earth. Please study me to understand the full scope of my message. Thank you in advance. https://youtube/watch?v=5Qr83IinPxs
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:28:35 +0000

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