Ive been really quiet on here; trying to work through real life - TopicsExpress


Ive been really quiet on here; trying to work through real life catastrophes. The last two months have really thrown me off track. Grandma being fine one day, then being rushed to the hospital with flu like symptoms only to pass away from complications (of which I still dont know all the details!)... Having massive migraines that wouldnt let up (one trip to the ER myself to have a wonderful cocktail of pain meds just so I could finally get some sleep!)... And sadly the passing of my parents beloved Pippin last week. And possibly having to go in and be checked to see why I keep having phantom pains in my lower back and left ankle (Almost a year ago I had to have reconstructive surgery on it, and it still isnt in good shape. Im lucky if I can walk 1500 steps in a day!). Needless to say, I needed to take a break from everything and regroup. My husband and son have been wonderful; helping around the house and doing what they can for me. But I digress. My muse has finally returned and, albeit Book 2 Tracking the Hunter will be a bit later than I had hoped, it is coming along quite wonderfully. Ive begun working on the cover with the WONDERFUL Melody Simmons! I hope to have the book out for edits in the next week or two (Ive already done three revisions on it myself and its not completely finished yet!), and then published after that! In the meantime... Hmm should I do another Teaser...? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions... I think I should. So, without further adieu! Here is a snippet from Sandy! *~*~* It was the stench that first woke her up. It smelled like a barnyard mixed with a sewage plant. The smell was strong enough to wake the dead, and bring tears to your eyes. Gah! What is that smell!? Did I fall into a port-a-john? Did the sewers burst? Sandy tried to move her hand, to cover her face in an attempt to prevent the horrific scent from reaching her nose, but was brought up short. The pinch against her wrist led to a sharp tug by whatever was holding her down as it only allowed a few inches of movement. While she was able to open her eyes, she couldnt see a thing. Ok. Dont panic. Breathe… just not too deeply. Yeah, who was she kidding? Panicking was the only thing she could do at the moment, even though rationally she somehow knew it was useless. While she was no svelte model, she wasnt a skinny toothpick, she wasnt overly large either. She was a very happy size fourteen. When she tried to fight against the straps holding her down at the ankles and wrists, all she did bruise her skin against whatever was wrapped around her. And wear down what little energy she had. Maybe she should start to work out if she ever made it out of here. She could feel her body, when she finally stopped struggling, as it lay prone on a hard, cold surface. Shifting to the left and right caused a metallic screeching that grated on her already wired nerves. That meant that whatever she was attached to, while it wasnt metal at her wrists, there was at least metal connected to her wrists and ankles, as well as metal somewhere for it to rub against. Sandy guessed it was some sort of chain, with the way it clinked when she gave it slack and then pulled, catching in regular intervals before slipping and catching again. Her legs felt like they were separated by at least a foot, while her arms were pinned down near, but not able to quite reach, her thighs. There was just enough slack for her to be able to move a few inches from side to side, but definitely not enough for her to reach across her body. Thankfully, she still felt the slight tickle on her shins from the A-line style dress she had worn. Although it seemed that her coat had been removed, along with her shoes, and her hose either was torn or there was some other reason for the loose gathering material around her toes as she wiggled them. What the hell is going on? How long have I been here? Where is here?
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 10:11:49 +0000

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