Ive been sitting on this Relax Deck card for awhile now. Its a - TopicsExpress


Ive been sitting on this Relax Deck card for awhile now. Its a long story but a great mountain adventure. Back in March of 1997, I decided to take a vacation by myself to Sedona Arizona. I had heard many stories of energy vortexes, unusual occurrences and life altering moments experienced there. It was definitely a spiritual journey for me in more ways than one. First of all, anything and everything that could have gone wrong...happened. It started on the day of my trip, I had been up all night, packing and cleaning my apartment. My friend who was supposed to drive me to the airport I guess forgot, even though I had confirmed with him the day before. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of my friend Miss Cindy and she was able to get me to the airport in the nick of time. Upon arriving, I was expecting 70 degree weather but was greeted to rain and 50 degrees. Oh well, it was still better than the 20 degrees in Rochester! To make a long story short, my accommodations fell through for the first night and my first day in Sedona, I awoke to snow! I was told by the owners of the bed and breakfast where I was staying that it usually melts by noon. I decided to go for a hike and see if I could find one of these energy vortexes. One vortex in Boynton Canyon, happened to be relatively close to where I was staying. Off I went. It was a short drive and found easy parking in the small lot. It was easy because there were only five other cars there. At least I wasnt alone! I started walking up the path which split into two directions. I decided to take the path up the mountain. I figured...energy vortex...yeah, yeah...had to be at the top of the mountain! I trekked up the trail, saw other footprints, at least I wasnt alone. The snow fell steadily, heard voices along the way but never saw anyone. My thoughts were have to get to the top, have to get to the top, the snow is going to melt by noon. After almost two hours of hiking, the snow had now deepened to about six inches and I came to a narrow path with a shear ravine. My stubbornness urged me forward but the voice of reason and a gut feeling took over. This was pre-cell phone days. All I could think of was that if I slipped and fell, no one would smell me until Spring! I fought with myself and finally came to the conclusion, stubborn girl, turn around! Begrudgingly, I turned back and not a minute too soon. The trail back down had started to disappear and I only had my footprints as a guide. When I neared the bottom, my footprints were no longer visible from the snow fall. I turned a corner and faced a dead end at a rock wall. Uh oh, Im lost. Slight panic. I took a deep breath, turned around and used my instincts. Okay, this way feels right. Another 15 minutes later, I came upon a trail marker and in the short distance I see the parking lot! Success! I made it! It was a great adventure and learning experience. Always follow your intuition. The snow kept coming, all the highways were closed and they even closed the roads to the Grand Canyon! Everyone at the B&B joked that I had brought the snow from Rochester. Apparently the week before it was sunny and in the 80s. I found out later on another attempt at finding the vortex that it was the other path that I had not chosen and it was only a ten minute hike! Yes, I finally found it. Relax Deck card of the day: The Mountain Historically, mountains have been seen as the dwelling places of the gods. Yet most mountain peaks can be scaled if we have the will, the strength and the equipment to climb them---the gods are not inaccessible forever. However, if we believe we can achieve great things quickly, we will become the victims of our own presumption. Yes, we can climb mountains, but mountain-clilmbing is dangerous: it is wise to proceed one step at a time.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 21:27:44 +0000

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