Ive been tagged 8! Ten things not usually known about me. Hmm. - TopicsExpress


Ive been tagged 8! Ten things not usually known about me. Hmm. Longer than expected. Most of you know the fun things, cause I share those. This may go the hard route for some at times. 10. When I was a crawler, I would climb out of the baby bassinet and jump onto the nearby organ, turn it on, and play. My parents response was to move the bassinet closer so as to eliminate the jump. Lord knows where Id be if I actually took any real music lessons. I spent my scholarship money on my viola! 9. Couldnt take lessons in anything until college. Opted for something completely different: saber fencing! Thats right, I get to aim for the head. :D 8. If we had stayed in San Antonio a year longer, I would have skipped a grade. This is in here more for the what-ifs. It sure mightve made things different if I came to California in a different class. 7. I was also able to speak some Spanish back then. My mom says I talked with my teachers en Espanol. I lost it. :( 6. I also have, sadly, lost most of my Latin and Quenya, but I have the books and I have a Rosetta for Italian. I really want to learn languages if I could get around to it or destress enough to make it happen. 5. My college circle knows this but high school doesnt necessarily: My Rocky Horror career spans three years, we turned a profit (for the first time in what, decades?) and I held the roles of tranny, tranny wrangler, spotlight (tech), and Magenta in that order. 4. Mental Health issues run in my family. Im up front about that. We all have a spectrum of issues. I lost a brother and uncle to suicide. I first started having suicidal thoughts in 4th grade, and these issues are important to me. 3. My mom and I had rough patches when I was growing up after she was laid off. I remember hungry nights, frightening three day eviction notices, cold moldy housing, selling off her keepsakes and valuables, visits to the pawn shops, bread lines, bounced checks at Safeway, betrayed trust, and summers away. My dads child support kept me in school in Marin rather than bouncing around the country as the brat I am. 2. On the note of more bad (yet formative) things, I also have an offbeat chronic pain condition called spondylitis - its also genetic - but the plus side is that its not nearly as bad as it could be where some peoples spines or other joints fuse. I know for the negative on this list, Im incredibly lucky to be where I am. So lets end on a positive note: 1.The first arrow I ever shot was a bullseye, and I was the first in my class to loose my arrow, thus halting class. Not intended, I swear! (For the technical buffs out there like Kyrie and Tim, it was High school PE, sophomore year, 30 or 35 lb draw, 60ft distance, with Imperial round scoring.) And there you go.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:18:40 +0000

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