Ive been tagged for a fun meme by Merry Farmer! 1) Favorite - TopicsExpress


Ive been tagged for a fun meme by Merry Farmer! 1) Favorite Band for book inspiration:Sweet, sweet silence. Or Coffitivity. 2) Favorite Song: This is ever-changing, but lets go with... um... give me a moment... how about Everybody Needs a Hero by Joan Jett? 3) Best book youve written or read: Best book Ive written to date is Massacre at Lonesome Ridge. Its absolutely my favorite. 4) Best book hang over: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. By half way through the book I started bawling and didnt stop til I reached the end. Went through a whole box of tissues and had a hangover for days. I still cant re-read it. Its too soon. 5) Best Year of your life & why: Ask me again when Im 90. ;) 6) Worst Year of your life & why: Again, ask me when Im 90. 7) Dream job if you werent a writer: I have no idea. Right now, I cant think of anything Id rather do. Maybe a travel writer, but thatd still be a writer. 8) Weirdest day job youve had: It wasnt weird to me, but most people find milking cows to be interesting. 9) Celebrity crush: Jeremy Renner, absolutely. And Elijah Wood. 10) If you could write a book with anyone, who would it be: Jonathan Maberry, though Im not sure Id be good at collaborative writing. Now to tag 10 people.... How about I skip that and you just answer the questions if you feel so inclined?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 14:07:05 +0000

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