Ive been talking on fb to a friend who has become a vegan and she - TopicsExpress


Ive been talking on fb to a friend who has become a vegan and she is at the stage where she is overwhelmed by her growing awareness of the suffering animals go through. I wrote this to her.......hope it helps anybody going through the same process. We are all victims of a system that has alienated us from our true natures. Ive researched this heavily and we dont have the digestive systems to eat meat on the scale that we do. In ancient times meat was considered a huge treat and was eaten only when the village men were able to hunt down and kill something. Intensive animal farming is a gross abomination - but the animals are silently getting their own back via all the many auto-immune diseases that eating them causes. This programme that eating animals is OK runs so deep in humans that it is impossible for many to become aware of it. For those who have become aware there is no call for self-congratulation or self-righteousness. Its a blessing and goodness knows what we have done to deserve it. It is our role to, as you say, be the change we wish to see in the world. To treat others, who have not been so blessed, with compassion and kindness, recognising that there but for the Grace of God go I or, in most cases went we. Because not many of us were born vegan! For me, no longer eating animals initially caused me unbearable pain as the full awareness of what animals go through hit me. As a result I turned to caring for orphaned, injured or exhausted farm animals to give me some outlet for my grief, anger and sorrow. However, what was completely unexpected has been this growing re-connection with everything that IS. I find myself, without artifice, studying or effort, living more and more in the moment. The animals actually resonate on a far higher level than us humans. They live in the moment and are completely connected. By being with them and not exploiting them, well, they bring you into their world, you become attuned. I wake up every morning so grateful for this blessing beyond words
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:32:55 +0000

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