Ive been thinking about this Amnesty situation. Blanket amnesty - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking about this Amnesty situation. Blanket amnesty is not the correct answer. I totally agree parents of children born here or have known no other life than ours should be granted permission to remain here. Do not grant them automatic citizenship. Give them a green card to allow them to stay here and work. They pay all taxes and other cost the same as if they were citizens. This visa would remain in effect until the youngest child turns 21. If they havent made the effort to become US citizens by that time they will be deported. Give them a social security number, but have a T preceding the SSN to designate it is a temporary number. They pay social security just as all other legal workers do. Once they become citizens they get the T removed. If they get deported then all monies collected for social security is forfeited. The remaining illegal aliens offered work permits, if they pass a background investigation. If they fail they will be transported to the south of Mexico, not the Mexico/USA border. The criminal investigation should be thorough. Felons and those with repeat violations of lessor crimes will not be allowed to remain here. If they are legally working and paying their just taxes then they will be allowed to use Medicaid. If a employer hires someone here illegally or pays them in cash thus avoiding paying tax and social security that employer be charged and if convicted, even first offense, to lose their operating license. Another action our government can do to assist those having difficulty finding employment is to reestablish a program similar to the CCC used in the 30s. The government will pay a reasonable wage, not union scale, and provide lodging and food. There will most likely be big fights with the unions since these workers will not be union, but the argument is the jobs would not be available except to provide these people with employment. The union s could manage and supervise the projects and have a ready resource of union applicants. I these think this is fair and equitable. We have to do something that is fair and equitable for everyone, not just absorb the millions with no prospect of assisting them in bettering themselves and become an asset for the US.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:39:22 +0000

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