Ive been thinking bout the past alot tonight. School, work, - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking bout the past alot tonight. School, work, friends, good memories and bad. I always came back to Steven. All the good times and the bad. All the man hunts we went on. The invention of bad ass Tators. Also when I would pick you up for school when you only lived 100 yards from the school, then we would ditch during lunch to go back to your place to cook good food. And I could never forget my 17th birthday party at Jaydon Wallaces house in his garage. The looks on our faces when his mom walked through the door was priceless. Or all our hunting trips. We had alot of good times together. But with good times came bad ones. The first time I saw you cry was when I picked you up one morning after you called saying you were a hot mess. That was the morning Troy passed. We went all over town so that you could kick anyones ass that ever talked down about him. You had a rough year of losing people. But you made it through and became stronger. You met the love of your life our senior year. She was an ass hole and didnt give a shit about what everybody thought of her. Just like you. You two were perfect for each other. When we were in the apartment you two would play fight all the time you two would throw each other around laughing the whole time. When you left town , I didnt want you to go, no one did. Vernal is your home all your friends are here along with your family. It was a rough few months without our lil ass hole there to give us shit and cheer everybody up. When you would come to visit everything felt as If it were normal again. When I got the call sayin you passed it felt like a part of me died. Your passing affected everyone that knew you. I miss you so much. I wish I could talk to you or see you or anything. We all miss you. I cant wait to see you again. I love you brother.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 09:28:37 +0000

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