Ive been trying for the past 4 hours to write an acceptable - TopicsExpress


Ive been trying for the past 4 hours to write an acceptable thoughtful/heartfelt/insightful post about the recent loss of my Grandma Pat. After staring at a blank Microsoft Word document for all this time, Ive found that no words could ever do her enough justice to really explain how amazing of a person my Grandma was. The only thing I feel that could get my point across, is a letter... ...a letter that was written by my Grandma to Eric, Nathan, and myself after my Grandpa Don passed away from cancer. I honestly do not know if anyone besides myself even remembers this letter, as it has been a number of years ago. I pinned this letter on a cork board next to my door when I was in middle school and high school. Once I left for college, I decided to again display it on a similar cork board in my room(s); where it has remained for the past 4 1/2 years. It has never been, nor was it ever intended, to be a focal point in my room. Honestly, how important could a little sheet of yellow paper with some chicken scratches on it be? But, Ive seen this little piece of yellow paper every single day for over 10 years. I dont always consciously recognize it, but I always know its there. And God forbid that it ever fell or was removed from its original resting place; itd be the first thing Id notice when walking into my room. From time to time I would forget why I have a little piece of yellow paper hanging next to: my Fraternity bid card ( The Delta Chi Fraternity, Inc.), my autographed Shawn Johnson poster ( Jimmy Wolfe - you know why I tagged you...jerk), and various concert and sporting event tickets that I have attended over the years. For one reason or another, these things are important to me. They all hold a special place in my heart and are concrete/physical documentation of my happiness. Unlike the little yellow letter, the other items displayed across my cork board are easily identifiable. Shawn Johnson poster, its a picture of herself that she had signed (side note: she was/is hot...just sayin). Concert tickets/sporting event tickets, each individual ticket stub has a logo of either a sports team or band on them, and I can instantly see each individual ticket and the memories I associate with them. Again you might ask, why a little piece of yellow paper with borderline legible writing on it, why display that with everything else? Because when I find myself asking the same question, I stop and reread it. There is not a single other item on that cork board that would cause me to stop for more than a second to pay attention to. It brings me to tears every. single. time. There is literally nothing else I possess that could possibly have that affect on me, including the other items have on display. Enough rambling...(youre all thinking it, so I figured Id say it) The letter... My Grandmas words comforted me when I was dealing with the loss of my Grandpa. I was much younger when he passed away; and the words of my Grandma were, are, and will forever be soothing to my heart, mind, and soul. Unbeknownst to me, her words on that yellow piece of paper would help me again in life. A time neither of us probably ever expected. And that time is now. My Grandma is no longer physically with us, but her words...her own words...words that were written over 10 years ago after the death of my grandfather...would be the words that would help me through her death as well. And I would like to share this letter with all of you.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:58:44 +0000

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