Ive been trying to come up with a way for people who dont believe - TopicsExpress


Ive been trying to come up with a way for people who dont believe in deity to have a belief in ghosts. First one must believe in ghosts, which I do. Not necessarily the chain dragging sort of ghost. But a phenomenon that takes place in the natural world. Second what scientific proofs or measurements can be made? So as we end September and make our way into October lets have a little discussion about Ghosts. Okay, ghosts are a rare phenomenon in nature, if they werent we wouldnt be having this discussion. I tend to think that they are some sort of quantum resonance picked up by the brains electrical system. Perhaps its a disturbance in space time that we pickup and view directly with our minds but since we use our eyes to see, our brain convinces itself that the eyes are what is witnessing the anomaly. A space time disturbance would explain the repeating hauntings that have been recorded through out history. Its possible that a perfect storm of electromagnetics and other natural phenomenon can act as a lens that allows us to trace past movements through the same space. Sir Roger Penrose suggested that our neurons contain structures known as microtubules that contain quantum vibrations. He suggested that our consciousness was contained within those quantum vibrations. Now thats a bit of a stretch. But still, one would think that if we can influence how the brain perceives things using external electromagnetic stimulation (smells, and flashes of light, and sounds) that other more delicate sensations could be created using quantum level influences. And could it be that the quantum vibrations are capable of leaving the body? Or existing without the body? We develop a personality which achieves an energy of its own? Not necessarily a soul per se, but a non corporeal entity? I believe that the answer is based in physics, not in religion. What do you think?
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:48:52 +0000

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