Ive been watching with growing excitement the coming vote on - TopicsExpress


Ive been watching with growing excitement the coming vote on independence for Scotland. I have Scottish ancestors who came to America before the major unpleasantness with Great Britain. If you know anything about Scotlands history (and you should!), we benefited by the horrendous treatment Great Britain inflicted on the Scots following the Battle of Culloden in 1746, which ended Scottish attempts to restore a Stewart to the throne. In America, we benefited greatly from the immigration of Scots to America after that sad event. Think of Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate, who started a free public library system in America. My hometown had a Carnegie Library where my insatiable thirst for books was satisfied. Any American roster of scientists, teachers, and physicians has many Scottish names. Now Scotland has a chance to gain its independence again through a bloodless revolution, and Im stunned to see that a number of Scots want to stay in the UK. How quickly memory fades of oppression. However, theres an ugly public relations rumble using all the usual scare tactics -- the Scottish welfare costs will go through the roof, there wont be any cooperation between Britain and Scotland anymore concerning issues related to employment or industrial concerns. All smoke and mirrors, dear friends. The real reason that Brits are sowing such discord is that Scottish independence will have a bad financial effect on the British pound. Generally speaking, where theres smoke theres fire, and in this case its an issue of having money to burn. Some Scots are touting a policy that smacks of appeasement. saying that Queen Elizabeth could still remain the titular monarch, just as shes regarded in Canada and Australia among others. So shed still be Queen of the Scots, the pound sterling currency would still have her picture, and according to England, all would remain right with the world. I have nothing against the Queen. Indeed, I think shes a magnificent lady doing a very difficult job and has sacrificed her entire life to doing it. But that doesnt make her a Scot. Ask any former USSR country thats now establishing its own nationalism--especially the Ukraine which is engaged in defending its own national identity--whether its better to be free or be part of even a friendly overlord. To the Scots, descendants of perhaps my own ancestors, I say Man Up! If you want to call yourselves Scots, own your own country. Otherwise, youre just northern Brits.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:59:30 +0000

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