Ive been working all week and found myself without any idea of - TopicsExpress


Ive been working all week and found myself without any idea of dinner for this evening. Quick rifle through the freezer revealed sausages, some veg and I had a bag of kale and some mash left in the fridge...rifle through my cupboard revealed a large sweet potato. Cue toad in the hole with sweet potato bubble and squeak! Bung sausages in an oven proof dish for 15 minutes at about 180. While theyre cooking make batter. I do 4 and 1/2 oz plain flour. (I use half white and half wholemeal.) Use what you have. Then in a measuring jug I put 1/4 pint milk and 1/4 pint cold water then crack in two eggs whisk with a fork and gradually add to your flour whisking all the time. I leave my batter to stand for a little while before using, so by the time the sausages are done Im ready to go! After 15 mins I check on my sausages, turn them and add a little extra oil, then in for 5 mins more to heat the oil. Then I turn the oven up as high as possible and pour my batter over the sausages and in it goes for approx 30 mins but ovens will vary. I just keep an eye on mine. While thats in the oven, I just chuck frozen veg (I had carrots, peas and sweetcorn)and kale into huge frying pan with some black pepper try not to faff with it too much. I steamed my sweet potato until soft and mashed it. Then added my left over mash and sweet potato mash into my pan with a tsp of oil. Let the bottom layer brown and turned it over a few times until it was a nice crispy brown colour! I used 9 skinny sausages to feed two growing boys, my OH and my mum. Then my self and LO had some bubble and squeak with half a smoked mackerel fillet added to it. It was very lovely and after a long day at work not too much bother to make either and it used up some leftover bits...yay!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:25:36 +0000

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