Ive been working on adding more photographs to Beckems choice - TopicsExpress


Ive been working on adding more photographs to Beckems choice boards this weekend. He loves being able to choose his activity, puzzle, or snack. It lets him have a voice and will also help him transition to a communication device. Im exposing him to sign language daily, but hes just not able to do them. I think it takes more coordination than he has right now, so Im not working intensively with signs. But, we are focusing several times throughout the day with one finger pointing activities. We are also promoting language all day, every day. Im certainly not, in any way, giving up on words coming out of his mouth eventually. However, only one of the five KAT6A children that Ive been in touch with is verbal, and its significantly delayed. So the reality is that Beckem may need his own way to communicate. I can tell he loves the choice boards because he gets really excited, and looks so proud of himself when he chooses. When we work with signs, he fusses or looks at me with this pleading look like mom, Im trying, but I just cant do this! Since hes still not proficient with pointing (he uses his whole hand) he gets to pull the Velcro picture off the board and hand it to me as a trade for whatever it is he picked. I started wondering if he would be able to match and choose an object from just a drawing...not actual photographs of his things. I knew that I would probably have to work with him for quite some time to choose the matching picture. Much to my surprise, he was successful the FIRST time!!!! We did all 12 and he chose correctly 100%!!! I made Gavin video, so this was the second time through. Dont you just love Beckems proud little grin at the camera?;-) such a ham!! Oh, and Adler is saying helicopter in his best helicopter voice!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:08:39 +0000

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