Ive come across people who say they dont believe in calorie - TopicsExpress


Ive come across people who say they dont believe in calorie counting, Im sorry to say calorie counting matters. Now you can use a number of ways to count your calories (or portion control), but its still something that needs to be understood. In this video Amber Rogers talks about Danish studies and how the subjects massively underestimated their calorie intake and got confused on why they werent losing weight. ONE subject who DID count her calories correctly loss weight. This subject also had a number of medical conditions to tackle too. Calories in v calories out does have some truth to it. But going too low will put a stop to your long term weight loss goal. These Low Calorie diets also have a rebound effect where you basicly damage your metabolism during the diet. When you go on a binge or go back to how you ate before you can end up fatter than when you started. So by eating more than you currently eat you might find you lose weight (and by weight I mean fat) and build lean muscle (I dont like the word tone) Watch the video and if you have any comments please leave them below.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 12:12:58 +0000

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