Ive come to the conclusion that it should be law that Australian - TopicsExpress


Ive come to the conclusion that it should be law that Australian men have 2 wives (at the same time).. The first wife can choose her share wife... Mine must be willing to share my 50/60 hour work week, like to clean up after 2 kids, 13 dogs, prepared to water and feed 20 assorted birds, 30 chooks, 3 mice, oops no I let them out cause they smelt. Love washing numerous loads of washing in a twin tub machine that is being tempremental, remember to feed the fish on occasions. They must enjoy not having a social life or go on holidays or weekends away with out interuptions. They must love having no money to spend on themselves...Hubby is a treasure and wont give you any grief, he knows that the wife is boss.The kids, well that will depend on the situation and what you expect from them... Please inbox for applications and the bad aspect of the job...The best part of the job is the 2 grandsons that make it all worth waking up for ...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:56:09 +0000

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