Ive decided Im going to share just where I come from, and how God - TopicsExpress


Ive decided Im going to share just where I come from, and how God saved me from myself and the grip of hell. I was a rebellious, angry, depressed, suicidal 17 year old who hated the world. I was abused as a child, left fatherless, strung through the court system, rejected, and had my little sisters violently taken away from the loving arms of my mother. By the time I was 17, I became a really good sinner, as I tried to drown out my pain. I had a praying mom who would drag me to church where I heard every Sunday the Love of God. This love was nothing I wanted to hear, after all, why would all this happen with so much love? (Later to realize God wont override the human will of us or others) Right before I turned 18, I was on a drug that caused hallucinations. At first everything was fun and great until I had an encounter with Almighty God. As I lay staring into the sky, the thundering presence of God came from the four corners of the earth and settled right above me in a huge thick cloud. I felt His love, His presence, His Holiness. He spoke into me and told me that I would be dead in a matter of months and then He left. Right then, I knew He had always been right there with me and had never left me, until that moment. It was like He revealed to me what its like without Him around. All I felt was darkness and coldness all around me. The kind that invades your bones. I experienced real fear for the first time in my life, a dear that God is no longer there and all thats left is darkness, void, emptiness with hell all around you. Fathers Day 1995, a few weeks after the encounter, I went to a local church where I encountered the love of God, the realization of my sin, the need of a savior. He showed me that however far away I was from him, how full of sin I was in, How hopeless I felt, He was more than able to forgive and heal me and He did just that. His mercy and forgiveness came rushing in. He picked me up out of the ground where I had been trampled on, beat down, and crushed, and he healed me, cleansed me and gave me New Life. I had joy and peace like I hadnt felt in years (I was saved and had encounters with him as a child). I was so messed up, a hopeless mess seen by many, yet Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for my sins to be forgiven and cleansed, saved me that glorious day. He is real, I would not be here today if it wasnt for Him saving me from the path of destruction I was on. He is real, He accepted me just as I am and showed me a new way to live in Him and through Him. He is real and His love is alive. All I did was surrender to Him. God wants everyone but never pushes Himself on us. He shows us the way, the path that comes only through Jesus to Him. My sin was separating me from His Holiness, His son washed that sin away so I could no longer be separated from Him and I could step out of the dark and into the light. To God be all the power, the glory, forever and ever amen.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:39:54 +0000

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