Ive decided to give a sneek peek into the new book, well actually - TopicsExpress


Ive decided to give a sneek peek into the new book, well actually it is a flash back to the environmental disaster of 2012 (those whove read the book will be aware of what that is). If you wondered what exactly happened here is the information puzzled together by one of the youth from Resurrection church (who plays a bigger part in the new book). Heres the excerpt (remember it is unedited, so be kind). :) The more data he compiled the more astounded he became at the planning that must have gone into the deception. Since 2005 he had discovered mass deaths of fish, squids, and other aquatic animals. In 2011 hundred of birds mysteriously fell out of the sky in a small American town. All around the world animals en masse had just up and died. Most scientists and environmentalists blamed it on pollution while conspiracy groups blamed it on big agriculture, but the truth was actually both and more. The world government, which had been working behind the scene secretly for millennia, was gearing up for their great unveiling. It was necessary to get the public to focus on non government sources as the cause for the trouble, so that when they swooped in to save everyone no one would even question their beneficence. The scientific community, long since bought off by research grants, blamed every illness on global environmental scares caused by human interaction with the earth. Trying to make oil and coal the biggest enemy to nature so that they could tax it into oblivion while convincing people that government offered renewable power was the only way to save the world. They created a whole class of citizens who would fight for the environment over the needs of humans and make those who disagreed into evil vampires sucking the life from Mother Earth. On the other side of the spectrum they had created a class of neo anarchists which believed big corporations were to blame for every ill of society. Creators of genetically modified seeds and large farming cooperatives were blamed for every imaginable human illness from childhood diseases, to allergies, all the way to cancers. Once the governments had the anti-big agriculture people on their side their plans to take over farms and food distribution was all but in the bag. Josh’s research showed how close and how far away the conspirators were on both sides. In the early years of the twenty-first century, when he and his friends were just young children, many groups began speaking out against government medical practices. People became more concerned about inoculations for children, shots for various strains of flu, and pharmaceuticals used in any number of curatives for illness. Those who spoke out were labeled as kooks and crazies because sadly the idea of non natural medicines had become common place. It was in the power of vaccination that the UGSE had been born. The early twentieth century had been a boon of medical discoveries. Cures for every kind of illness seemed to be within reach. Doctors and scientists truly interested in making people well and defeating the monsters that were diseases, worked tirelessly on cures for measles, mumps, polio, cancers, and a plethora of other illnesses. It wasn’t until the end of the century that grants had taken the desire to actually find cures out of the equation. If a cure was found for something then the money would dry up. The heads of giant government run medical institutes used the creativity of young idealists to find cures for many diseases, but instead of sharing them with the world, they held them back and gave psudo-cures to help a few people, while giving hope to others who they could care less about saving; after all they had the cures for themselves and the power elite. For decades, the government had been using big corporations to poison the air, water, and food in small increments, enough to make people afraid, but not enough to actually give credence to the conspiracy theories that sprung around them. The few people that found evidence of toxic tampering only ever received what the world government wanted them to find: enough to lend credence to their hypothesis, but never enough to actually prove anything because no one really wanted to poison the water or air just scare the masses. When the truthers or deniers, as they were called, spoke up to tell their side of the truth it was easy for the government to spin their ideas as crazy conspiracies because it was exactly what they had intended to happen. The New World Order, as the rebels called it, had used them to find out who would stand against global dominion, and they had been the first ones detained in the early days of the 2015 war. It wasn’t until the United Nations, puppet of the real global government, put their plan in writing via the document called Agenda 21 that average people, who had long trusted the propaganda of their government, began to be awakened to the truth. Sadly it was too late, because the wheels had been set in motion and too many people relied upon their governments to take care of them. Using airplanes to spray chemicals in the lower atmosphere, ionospheric research stations sending high frequency radio beams into the upper atmosphere, gene modifications in plant life, and the mainstream media satellite relays, the world government powers caused many environmental crises culminating in the 2012 disaster. Toxins sprayed in the air targeted birds, mammals, and sea life causing mass deaths all around the globe; which were blamed on eco-terrorists supposedly attacking facilities world-wide. Secret military ionosphere testing had figured ways to control weather, and a week after the animal deaths massive hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes struck; which were blamed on big carbon producers and anthropologic global climate change. A week following the weather disasters, Pastor Stone’s research in gene modification had been used to cause substantial damage to world-wide plant life; which was blamed on big agriculture. As Josh read the reports, the biggest shock was that the global devastations were not real. The media had been used as propaganda purveyors. The animal deaths, while real, were not wide spread as reported, nor were the weather phenomenon. The media had simply used a few minor catastrophes and reported them as global nightmares. The people of the world believed it because they saw the wreckage on the television. Actors had been hired to play and be interviewed as the injured and affected. Nothing had been left to chance. The only thing that affected everyone world-wide was the plant die off, and of course once all nations had given their power over to the global government, miraculously their scientists found a way to reverse the destruction, and plants sprung back to life almost immediately; all-be-it slightly different to those who knew what to see. After the global restructuring during 2013 and 2014, the disasters had stopped and life returned to a shadow of what it had been before.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:13:40 +0000

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